It's out the front of my place, if you didn't know that one already.I have found my car parked in three different places already. All at the same time. Now that is straight out of the twilight zone
How is this an invasion of privacy? Seriously. One really good reason?
People have no more information about your place then if they had walked down the street themselves and taken a photo. At least you know exactly what everyone else can see about your place.
You know what. I can find out a hell of a lot more about you from other websites where you have provided personal information about yourself then I can guessing where you live of StreetView. Just a quick trip over to the white pages and voila... Name, address, phone number even.
Wake up to yourselves people. I have no idea who it is that lives 2 streets over. But their house is cool. Does that mean that I can now rob them from here? Hell no. I could actually walk over there and have a look couldn't I? Take some photo's myself? Whats stopping me? They'd never know. Never. This is not an invasion of privacy. At all. No information about your home is being released that people could not have found out by walking over there themselves and have a good geez. Think about it...
The media screams invasion of privacy. Google Street View gets an insane amount of hits and people just think the media says it's an invasion of privacy. So it must be... think about it... What is now available to people that was not previously available??? I can think of sites that invade your privacy a hell of a lot more! Would you like a demo??
Later Da Cowman!
We checked it out last night and it was fun to see whether we were gonna see a snapshot of someone we knew doing something a little embarassing
However, it is an invasion a privacy and who knows what level they can take it to in the future.
We're just glad the images were taken when the front door was shut and we weren't doing a nuddy run after a shower
The photos must have been taken quite a while ago as our house still had Christmas lights up and we removed them before the new year!