Give Credit where it is due.

I consider it very reasonable!
We often take for granted the service this website provides for the sport. I shall include the logo on all future entry forms. (sorry I can't change the one that is currently listed)
I am sorry to be typing this...
I completely agree with kellie and the logo.
Unfortunately I just feel that if was very unprofessional with the way it was done.
This should of been a private matter between Kellie and the tournament directors...
Not dirty laundry aired for eveyone to see.
Everyone loves your site and resepcts it for what it does for the sport. And so do i.
I don't mean to be rude, but did you ask them personaly.
Sorry.. Kristy Sullivan
Its a very small thing that i too am guilty of taking for granted. the tournaments here in WA (sports series and now Perth Youth Cup) would have little or no entries without the use of TotalBowling.

Kellie, can you please email me a copy of the logo for my future entry forms?


Matt Watson
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