Wow, hot topic!
Firstly, i'd like to ask Michelle if this thread was actually made specifically to attack BBA/VBP, because as a regular poster on forums, I know assumptions are made all the time, and thoughts can easily be twisted negatively.
Secondly, from my observations, when Bowling Balls Astralia came to exist, and they introduced a new brand, it took off quite quickly. This was based on a great product, backed with good solid business skills, and alot of team work.
I also kept hearing about all these bowlers who were going around telling everyone that they were being sponsored by VBP. I really didnt care what they said, as it always looked to have positive results on sales, however to some, it may have looked like we went around and sponsored everyone.
BBA offers a great product called test staff, which allows bowlers to gain alot of gear at quite a good rate, and it includes the shirt, bag etc etc.. This can also SOMETIMES be looked at as full sponsorship.
At the moment, our staff line up is a formidable force.
Muir/Bottomley- Up there with the greats!
Jase/Pilkington- Both intimidating opponents, 1 an ex-Australian record holder, 1 breaking through for his first win this year.
Madden/Wilton- Highest ranked female yth, and one of Australias greatest ever female bowlers.
Tell me 1 person in that line up that doesnt deserve a contract? These guys/gals are all looked up to by the majority of bowlers, all have solid games, and have all supported BBA from start to finish.
Not only that, we ALSO have in conjunction with Gavin, a youth development squad. These are the up and commers of Australian bowling. Its a damn expensive sport, and any help that can be given to Junior/Youth bowlers should be 100% welcomed, and encouraged. Mel, Pringle, Luke, and yes even Hamish (the pain in the ass) are all potentially the future of this sport, and if BBA and Gav can assist them to the top, and gain brand promotion (to earn them a living) then best of luck to them!
I've given away (out of my own pocket) free bowling balls to some junior bowlers who either can't afford new gear, or can't afford to bowl tournaments going in with old gear, and not standing a chance to win. Go on, tell me that old gear can win tournaments, and ill bet you can't name 1 tournament won with gear that is over 2 years used....
Michelle, I do agree that there are a few bowlers out there that really havent done anything with their contracts, and havent done much to deserve these contracts. Its not for me to say who I believe these people are. I also believe that there are super bowlers out there that probably do deserve some sort of contract, but they just either can't be bothered searching for it, or prefer to work their asses off on their game first, and then worry about any sort of staff status.
What I do believe, is that if companies want to waste their money sponsoring bowlers that don't sell gear, then that is ENTIRELY their right, regardless of what anyone else thinks. As I always say, to each his own......
Wow, long post