Thanks to everyone for your kind words.
Yes, i am still on cloud nine after last wednesday. A lot of you have already bowled 300's and probably expected that at some time you would achieve the ultimate. I never thought i would. The other times that i have been in the same position i always choked and i guess i expected the same thing would happen again. My first emotion was elation and then the realisation hit me that i have "done it" and apparently i went as white as a ghost.
Need to clear up a couple of things. I wasn't actually bowling head to head against Merv. It was preliminary final night and we were not playing prelim (my team went straight through to GF and Merv's team was eliminated the previous week) so we were just bowling for pinfall. So whilst my name was against his i wasn't playing him for points - he doesn't need any more motivation for next time we play each other!
Secondly Murray -- how drunk were you when you posted this

(or is your spell checker on the fritz ???) and thirdly even though i now have a 300 i will still complain when i put in a shot that is not good enough to carry a 7 pin - don't take away all my fun

Once again, thanks to everyone for your positive comments, i will definitely be looking forward to catching up and having a couple of drinks.
GB or BG
PS - Didn't even get 700 for the night - after the 300 i bowled a couple of "Porto specials" - one hundred and eighties - I was slammed violently back to earth very quickly! -- Merv actually beat me on series with his 678 to my 672