George, Jon & Tony
As of 5/1, we have 52 entries for the tournament. Prizemoney was originally based on 60, so we are real close to guaranteed money according to the entry form.
As you are aware B squad is full.
A & C squads, both have 14 entries as we speak.
We have been hopeful of getting a number of entries from the other centre in Toowoomba, but to date their have been none brave enough to do so.
If they do our numbers will easily top 60, as there are still between 8-12 other players that have made enquiries and not come back to us yet. Zane and I will follow up with these people in the next couple of days.
All in all things are looking damn good. Especially considering this is the first tournament of this kind at Garden City Lanes for nearly 20 years.
To answer your question about conditions might be giving a little away.
However, we have been experimenting over the last couple of days with different things to ensure that there is more oil in the centre of the lane in the head area.
We have a house condition which is very playable, and we have made some slight alterations to this pattern.
Jon and Tony
Yes you are both in C squad.
Anyone else that would like to enter, please get back to either Zane or myself asap to ensure your spot.
There may be a couple of late entries from down Sydney way. No names yet, but I believe the couple are very prominent in bowling circles and are looking forward to visiting Toowoomba on the weekend.
Regards all
Looking forward to seeing you all next weekend.
Barry Fagg
As of 5/1, we have 52 entries for the tournament. Prizemoney was originally based on 60, so we are real close to guaranteed money according to the entry form.
As you are aware B squad is full.
A & C squads, both have 14 entries as we speak.
We have been hopeful of getting a number of entries from the other centre in Toowoomba, but to date their have been none brave enough to do so.
If they do our numbers will easily top 60, as there are still between 8-12 other players that have made enquiries and not come back to us yet. Zane and I will follow up with these people in the next couple of days.
All in all things are looking damn good. Especially considering this is the first tournament of this kind at Garden City Lanes for nearly 20 years.
To answer your question about conditions might be giving a little away.
However, we have been experimenting over the last couple of days with different things to ensure that there is more oil in the centre of the lane in the head area.
We have a house condition which is very playable, and we have made some slight alterations to this pattern.
Jon and Tony
Yes you are both in C squad.
Anyone else that would like to enter, please get back to either Zane or myself asap to ensure your spot.
There may be a couple of late entries from down Sydney way. No names yet, but I believe the couple are very prominent in bowling circles and are looking forward to visiting Toowoomba on the weekend.
Regards all
Looking forward to seeing you all next weekend.
Barry Fagg