Funniest Person

maybe cuz i've grown up wit cow's sense of humor or something... might seem funnier to me..than to most ppl, but i do hafta admit, what you just wrote made me laugh a fair bit :lol:
ohhhh nooo, how could i forget my katie skatie matie bum fluff

She's an absolute spaz, but shes a legend and she makes me laugh non stop, gotta love it :D

Talk to you soon skatie, hope the droughts not toobad, the hose and taps just arent Up to it ;P hahaha

Good on you jess, I agree with you a million percent(is there such a thing as that?) anyway cow is a funny bugger too, when he laughs, everyone laughs! Most of the time I dont get his jokes or dont understand him but when he laughs, i do cos his mouth opens so wide you just gotta laugh your ar se off!!!!

Reynolds, u r my bestest male friend, everything you do is funny..... you can be serious but "you have to be funny to be funny" and thats you!!!
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