Also From the TBA Website - 2006 Lane Levy System Explained
For many years membership fees funded the National Sporting Body for Tenpin Bowling. With the financial collapse of ATBC a change was made to funding the organisation through a lane levy system where centres provided the bulk of the funding based upon lane numbers. This system has been coming under pressure for several years and at the November 2005 Bowling Proprietors Conference a proposal was put (& received overwhelming support) based upon the removal over time of the proprietors’ need to be involved in the funding of the organization. Broadly the proposal is to transfer the organization back to a full membership funded body, although some centres present indicated they might want to stay with bulk sanctioning.
Three models were presented at the conference and accepted as being a viable way forward. A centre may choose any one for 2006. All models except Option B assume TBA bowler member fees of $11.00 (Adult rate) and $8.00 (Junior rate) inclusive of GST. They are:
Option A - where a Centre Association or Area Association exists and fees are being collected in an efficient and appropriate manner the centre may hand over the collection of fees to the Association and withdraw from the levy system. These will generally be centres with a strong Association organization where the majority of bowlers if not all are members of the Association. The Tenpin Bowling Trust will deal directly with the Association under this option with the Association remitting funds monthly as collected from bowlers.
Option B - where centres have a strong league base, but do not have an Association collecting fees or do not collect fees themselves, but are willing to pay $200.00 per lane per annum (plus GST) that this continue for the time being. These centres will set their own recovery rate if any.
Option C - where centres or associations are not collecting fees or have a weak league base and are not prepared or able to pay $200.00 per lane that the underwriting amount of $75.00 per lane (plus GST) be used, and paid up front. These centres are to be assisted to organize their own Association to collect fees so that the funds raised may either reach this figure or exceed it. Any fees collected up to $75.00 per lane (plus GST) to be used to reimburse the centre and fees collected above the $75.00 per lane (plus GST) to go to TBA. Fees to be collected at the rate as listed above. Initially only 7.5 TBA Registered Player cards per lane will be distributed to each centre under this option. Additional cards are to be purchased from TBA at the rate as listed above.
The vast majority of centres have now chosen their option for 2006 with a number of centres moving immediately to allow their local Association to resume collection and remission to the Tenpin Bowling Trust. Slightly more have chosen Option B and the remainder have chosen Option C.
During 2006 TBA intends to rebuild its communication paths with all Associations, build Associations in those centres that do not currently have working Associations and in general by 2007 be very close to a full membership body again.
This is a watershed year for our sport and your co-operation by supporting this move and by becoming involved, in whatever way you are able, would be appreciated and will assist our great sport.
During 2006 TBA representatives will be checking TBA Registered Player Cards of those participating in Nationally Ranked Events, State and National Championships and any TBA Accredited Event. Cards may only be acquired from your home centre. TBA events will only be accredited in centres that have signed up to one of the options outlined above.
Bowlers should note that the figures of $11.00 adults & $8.00 juniors is the amount remitted to TBA. Association fees will vary above this to allow for funding of the Local Association.
Effectively, if a centre opts for Option C then the centre needs only recover this underwritten fee from 7.5 bowlers per lane at $10.00 each, ie a 20 lane centre only needs 150 bowlers to break even. In this case, the bowlers are effectively the financial supporter of the NSO and not the centre.
On this basis I can't understand how Odin Tech can claim that is too expensive?