The Forty Frame Game is exactly as it says.....Forty Frames of bowling.....but each frame has a different challenge.....with combinations of the following...nine pins scores a strike...some strikes score an extra ten pins and some strikes score an extra twenty five pins...if you don't like your first ball you can have another ball...sometimes pins are deducted if you leave any standing.
The object of the game is to score as many strikes as possible...the maximum score is over 1300 pins and no one in the world has bowled a perfect game to date. There are some big tournaments in the USA with great would be nice to get the game going here in Australia maybe you could ask your local bowl if they have the Forty Frame Game. I know it is linked to the Boss scoring system.We have a few bowlers here in Victoria who would like to form a league with other bowlers in each State.
If anyone is interested please let me know.