State Championships is one thing we (TBA SA) are aiming to grow over the next few years, I agree with your comments. Hopefully things will improve in years to come.
Next year a few changes are already being planned including the following:
date change, reduced entry fees (by as much as we can), combining all state "masters" with the championships (State Masters, Restricted Cup, Seniors Cup etc), there are also a few other things on the table being discussed at present also.
Watch this space!!!
As for "gagging", this is your interpretation of certain situations, however all bowlers are subject to the TBA Code of ethics which clearly includes making posts and comments on "electronic mediums" as being unacceptable.
If bowlers would like to express their views and opinions they are most welcome, however there is always a time and a place for doing so, in other words, it would be expected that if a bowler has a view or opinion they should be speaking or writing directly to the people concerned rather than create something that may end up being bigger than it needs to be by posting on a public forum.
You know from questions you personally have asked that I am more than prepared to provide an answer. You also know I am not prepared to get into a public debate on a world wide website. (This response excluded

The "new" TBA SA has a definite goal and policy that we will be
totally transparent, we welcome any questions, feedback and requests as long as they are sent to us in the right manner.
In closing "Trust is a must", sit tight and enjoy the ride, hopefully by the end of the journey there will be many things along the way that bowlers will see have changed for the better. Rome wasn't built in a day!