Victorian Darrell Holt Challenge
Expressions of Interest for Team Official
Victorian Darrell Holt Challenge invites anybody to apply for the following position
Attend all Holt training sessions and functions
Liaise with Lane Officials and Committee
Assist in the completion of entry forms in conjunction with other officials for All Events and Welcome Squad
Attend Officials meeting
Finalize line up of the day with input from other officials.
Check Holt Challenge score sheets and submit to Tournament Room
Record no of individual games bowled by each bowler 3 games is a national ruling per day
Address any issues or conflicts reported by lane officials
Conduct daily team meeting in conjunction with other team officials
Once you have taken on this position you must make yourself available at all times to bowlers, officials and the Victorian Darrell Holt Committee.
Coaching certificate is not essential for this position, but would be considered an advantage.
This position is self funding and the approx cost is $900.00
All application must, be in no later than, Thursday 17th of July 5.00pm.
Email: darrellholtvic@iprimus.com.au
Post: Darrell Holt PO Box 4083 Frankston Heights 3199
Jeanette Kent
Darrell Holt Victoria
Expressions of Interest for Team Official
Victorian Darrell Holt Challenge invites anybody to apply for the following position
Attend all Holt training sessions and functions
Liaise with Lane Officials and Committee
Assist in the completion of entry forms in conjunction with other officials for All Events and Welcome Squad
Attend Officials meeting
Finalize line up of the day with input from other officials.
Check Holt Challenge score sheets and submit to Tournament Room
Record no of individual games bowled by each bowler 3 games is a national ruling per day
Address any issues or conflicts reported by lane officials
Conduct daily team meeting in conjunction with other team officials
Once you have taken on this position you must make yourself available at all times to bowlers, officials and the Victorian Darrell Holt Committee.
Coaching certificate is not essential for this position, but would be considered an advantage.
This position is self funding and the approx cost is $900.00
All application must, be in no later than, Thursday 17th of July 5.00pm.
Email: darrellholtvic@iprimus.com.au
Post: Darrell Holt PO Box 4083 Frankston Heights 3199
Jeanette Kent
Darrell Holt Victoria