Excel Spread Sheet Formula for 40 Frame Game



I am a limited user of EXCEL but I am interest in MS Excel formulas.
But I need the starters for bowling formula for 10 frames and alike.

Then I want to redesign it for a 40 frame game.

FREE is great!!
40 frame game is exactly that!
So here is the kicker.....
Special Frames Include:
No Tap- 9 pins=Strike
Pay Day- Strike=Cash
Super Sour- No Strike=Minus 5 pts. per pin
Big Kahuna- Strike-25 Bonus pts.
Bonus- Strike=10 Extra pts.
Sour Grapes-No Strike=Minus 2 pts. per pin
Mulligan (MULL on the jpg)- Don’t like first ball, shoot again
Bingo Bango Bongo- 40th Frame Strikes Cash,
1st=$1.00. 2nd=$2.00, 3rd=$3.00
see pic for which goes where

thank you for the other!!!


  • 40 frame game.JPG
    40 frame game.JPG
    29.8 KB · Views: 135
Hmmm not sure

frames 2, 9, 12, 16, 20, 25, 33, 38 all an extra 10 pins for strikes
frame 36 is extra 25 pins

but frames 4, 15, 17, 23, 27, 31 if no strike then -2 per pin missed
frames 7, 29 and 39 if no strike then -5 per pin missed

frames 1, 8, 11, 13, 22, 24, 30 are 9 no tap.
Cheers Gary
I asked for this as the only scoring system( that I know about) that can calculate this (thanks to Thorpey) is the BOSS system, computerscore cannot do it. AMF centres with BOSS can play this.

I really wanted something different for a fund rasier down here in Gippsland. I loved to have BAKERS format too. Just to give something different than scratch/handicap events held everywhere. But as we only have the 12 lanes in Sale I thought start locally to see if we get a few from around Gippsland willing to give it ago.

Software is expensive though.

Once again thank you all for your help.

Software is expensive to produce, you know.

This sounds interesting, I'll see what I can whip up
As far as i know, no one in the world has bowled the highest possible score in a forty frame game.

It is great fun to play and the more people that are involved the better it gets.

Not exactly excel, but try this.


It is probably buggy, because I haven't tried testing it with any actual games, except that the total works properly. Individually it looks okay.

So if someone who knows about this style of game would like to test this and let me know what doesn't work with it, I'll see what I can do about that...

Oh, on edit, you WILL need to have installed Microsoft's .Net Framework 2.0. If you've patched any windows system this year it should have it automatically, otherwise it's a download from the microsoft website

Just a note, but I'm 99% positive that when AMF purchased the 40 frame game concept from the original inventor, they patanted the name / format / concept. This is why no other scoring system can run it.

I'm sure they won't mind all that hard work you've done to create a program :D Excellent job btw
Hmmmmm that's an interesting concept, patented the format of a game... I don't know how that works...

And thank you, it was an interesting experience actually.
thank you thank you thank you

i have written to computerscore and request an update if they plan to use it on their system - no word yet.

cheers to Thorpey in Melb - what a great (TOUGH) game, your Dad is awesome for the time spent afterwards too.

Everyone needs to try this out - in the states there's actual tournys that pay big dollars while i dont expect this here - it would be nice to have a state based comp sometime soon
the application failed to intialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application
I have spoken to Computer Score last year about this format, and that was where I found out that QubicaAMF own the game. I'm not sure what the exact ownership is, ie if it's just the name, game plan, format or everything including the right to stop you thinking about it :D But as far as I am aware, it can never be a part of comscore or anything other than a QubicaAMF scoring system.
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