Everyone wants to ridicule our sport. Some more amusing than others

I thought most of that was pretty amusing.

Face it, we make ourselves a big target! Especially with the robo-wrists (hilarious - first thing they show a photo of!) and snack bars full of cardiac arrest-inducing fare. For example, whenever I go into an AMF centre, there's nothing I want to eat. It's all white bread, sugar, salt and lard. I don't want to eat low grade pulp of various meats like nuggets, burger patties, chicken burgers and (wretch) hot dogs on white "bread". With the exception of indulging in a hot breakfast at Rooty Hill at nationals. And let's face it, that isn't doing me any favours as even I don't burn that many calories bowling. And most other centres aren't a whole lot better. And what other sport let's you drink beer while competing? You've got to admit that that bit is pretty ridiculous, despite what the alcoholics tell you. Any wonder folks feel we're a fair target for a giggle.

I must confess to being a "Director." Especially in warm-up, when everybody wants to have a good old chat well after their strike ball comes back to shoot their spare before you get a go and see what the pair is doing, let alone have a shot at setting them up.

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