Emerson Shield 2010

with 3 weeks to go everyone must be away practicising....don't forget to vote before you get there as well
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No 1 Muppet.

Not long now mate. So have you got target from everyteam yet or not???? You have went very quiet. Must of used up all your material. I have some spare if you want it and im sure Hamma can give you some too. :)

He must be really running scared............ He has dug his hole way too deep.............
and during Emerson we will bury him........

Garry for your knowledge we usually dig out own holes. Tothie no need to dig the hole for me, just keep digging it for yourself.
Was talking to Hamma last night Tothie and he has somthing planned for you. Cant say what it is but im sure you will enjoy it. Less oil Rob should make it interesting.

I hope it's nothing rude. lol
Less oil, more oil, all the same to me. I'm good for 160-190 on any pattern.
Deano for your sake I hope Mondays headline after Emerson won't read:
Deano & loyal followers still in shock ;):):)
oh how i wish i was bowling! lol. would love to be in on this action. might have even came up to lead to get a piece of you boys talking a big game :p
Tothie would you like a wager on those headlines? Probably be more like Wombat & Lebbo undefeated against city teams. Country teams fill top 4 places and Mouth of the South forced into retirement. :):)

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