Emerson Shield 2005

There is too many bad "C's" of Gothem City to ever totally eradicate them all.....lol. They breed like mice....lol.
Carmers said:
There is too many bad "C's" of Gothem City to ever totally eradicate them all.....lol. They breed like mice....lol.

And exactly how do mice breed - Please explain ;)

Maybe Gotham City needs a Bat Pied Piper ;)
Morwell Teams

Wayne Long
Bryan Woszczeiko
Stan Bosma
Theo Bosma
Clinton Monds
Paul Hegarty
Peter Flannigan

Nicky Buntman
Wendy Motta
Angela Woszczeiko
Chucky Summers
Jenny Bosma
Cindy Lacey
Mary-Ellen Hegarty

Congrulations to all that made the team and pleasing to see that these two teams have remained unchanged from the 14 that qualified a month ago before the trial extension
catgirl, catwoman, batgirl, batwoman hey beggars can't be choosers.

i'd be happy with any 4 of them at once :D

the joker would have the poker working overtime

for all those wanting to know what was said in the "invisible post" , i haven't got a copy

i know me and woza definately read it, lets say it was just a repeat of what i got strung up for saying, but it did wish the current team all the best.

whether it was genuinely put up or not by the supposed person, who knows!!!

who cares !!!

it definately fired up the forum again

new look team hey woza, wheres ya side kick, will you be lonely without him, is that why you got the mrs to bowl, you finally kicked him out of the bed hey ;)

as for the "F's" n "C's" maybe they both should unite and become one, then the rest of us would be wasting our time turning up.

team werribee's warm up has been going well, ralph has ensured to the team that he is going to shave down before the event, he believes melton is definately one place where you don't need to be slowed down.

porto has gone onto a light bowling diet, he is finding it more stimulating to either bowl on his own or not at all, but has ensured us that he will be primed for the big sunday at melton.

everyone else has been working on ball speed, "scotty too hotty" has been allegedly clocked at 45 kph which should hold him in good stead at melton and on the other end of the spectrum "rocket rod" well lets say, chuck will be having a few cuppa's in between shots.

team coach griffo is quietly confident he has fallen into something good here, he has offered to help me out in any way he can, as long as if i get to the magic 214 at melton he can drink half of the slab that will be rewarded.

other wise i could be peeling many oranges at mentone

anyhow thats enough for now, talk to ya's all later

have to get my head around some odds in the next couple of weeks, any other teams i should know about???
Hey Craig & Woza,

It is OK l saw the post as well, and l know a number of others saw the invisible post.
craig said:
new look team hey woza, wheres ya side kick, will you be lonely without him, is that why you got the mrs to bowl, you finally kicked him out of the bed hey ;)

Rumor is that he has a batgirl of his own ;)

My hopes are on you.....

You realise the only reason I agreed to be coach was that you promised me half of your slab!

215 or you are dropped! ;)

I will talk to you about the replacement while Rod is taking his shot! :rolleyes:

(Is this stirring the pot enough?)
Why was the invisible post deleted

Reason other - Come on Graham you have to give us more than that - you can see have far we can rave on about an invisible post imagine if we had some inside goss

Yes I did see it but on a scale of 1 to 10 for shock value i would have given it about 0.1 and that is being generous
yeah well i'll have heaps of time to have a cuppa, some bikkies and a long chat whilst rocket is in the lineup

i am praying that his time wasting will p!$$ others off more than myself

i have to put up with it, because as we all know, he is the best lefty in werribee

as for the slab, i only have to open with 860/4 then i can sit out for the day and let rocket, scotty too hotty, newman and the western suburb hoods take care of business

so motta's decided to play hide the sausage instead of find the pocket, not a bad choice i say
Hi guys,

I, too, am slightly, ok MASSIVELY bewildered as to why my post was deleted. I didn't think it was too derogatory or controversial, but Graham is the boss and so I have to abide by the umpire's decision. Craig I'm looking forward to hearing your odds, and seeing where we, Geelong, rank with you this year. What I hope most of all is that everyone has fun at this tournament, whether you bowl well or bowl poorly, fun is the name of the game. Congrats on everyone who has made their teams from all centres, you all should be very proud of yourselves,

Terry Lewis.
I was contacted by a Terry Lewis advising me that they didnt make the post. If you are pretending to be another person then that is going to cause a problem and I would appreciate it if you could change your username immediately if you aren't who your username says you are.
ok so at least that is sorted out

if the fake terry gets caught out, it might be quite embarassing for the individual.

glad it aint me

maybe its professor plum, in the kitchen with the candlestick
Miss Scarlet in the kitchen with the lead pipe.

At the end of the day its only going to ruin the post for the rest of us. :confused:
Thanks Graham

Will the real Terry Lewis - Come on Down - You are the next cotestant on the Emerson Shield Forum

Come on guys - It will be the butler it always is, Location - Somewhere close to the source - about lanes 11 & 12, Weapon - Sour apple
craig said:
i have to put up with it, because as we all know, he is the best lefty in werribee

Thanks for the compliment.....
Porto's been saying that to me for years!!! :rolleyes:

As you well know .... perfection takes time
yes rocket

funny you mention about what porto says about that

he mentioned something slightly a bit different to me last night
Adam - you can oil both the left and the right sides of the lanes if you want. :rolleyes:
That way Rod can bowl backup if he chooses! :cool:

Craig - since when do you listen to what Porto has to say? :confused:
How can you TRULY compare anyone to Rod??
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