Doubles Skins

hi all , things are looking good for the doubles with 2 more teams confirmed (7 teams)-
jon king + graham (mr totalbowling)
animal + brian bates

still waiting to here from some, guys like hammo,d.allford,the heathwood boys, andrew christopher , brando,john w,sid so there is still alot of talent out there !!

so get your team together and come up and take george's money because if he bowls the way he plays cards everyone will finish up with a pocket full of money
hi stax i have tried to send you the formats but your email address isn't working .
so i will post it here if you want more just let me now.

12 teams bowling 6 games
entry fee = $140 per team
each skin = $200

total entry fee = $1680
game fees = $475.20 (that is 144 games at $3.30 per game, that is a great price for games)
skins payout = $1200
total payout = $1675.20 (games + skins)

leaves me $4.80 to buy a beer!!

so guys with $1200 up for grabs and george thinks his name is on $1000 of that get your team together and take some cash!!!
Hey bfcc, Rick Carlos and me will be there. As for George and his $1000, I didn't know you were paying that much for 2nd?
hi all , we now have 10 out of 12 teams confirmed-

rob buckley + rick carlos
jim cross + peter brieley
darrly allford + sam warby

thank you all for the support with 10 good teams showing up it will be an interesting day . remember we are limited to 12 teams so if you want to bowl get in quick , first one's to confirm with me will gets a spot.

to anyone who just wants to watch you are all welcome to come up and see what sport patterns are all about and maybe cheer on a team .with side bets and brackets running the bowlers will be fired up for this one!!!
hi all , we now have 12 teams confirmed thank you to all the teams .(if the bowlers want and we can get another 6 teams it would make for alot more money in the prize fund!!!!)

i will list the teams below and give them a name if you want to come up with a better name please post it(this is just a bit of fun so don't take it personal)

01-dave + dwambo team splash
02-drewy + george GOD'S gift to bowling
03-kimi + andrew nobbs team junior
04-pliko + carl team BIG GUNS
05-mel warmington + vaughan white team????
06-john king + graham w team hyperbowl
07-animal + brian bates team caboolture bowl
08-rob buckley + ric carlos team????
09-jim cross + peter briely team nsw
10-darrly allford + sam warby team????
11-kristie mills + cathy elwell team ladies
12-gerry cox + ian mills team????

Quite a collection of names you have gathered, still doesn't make any difference to the result though. It still will be the easiest $1000 Drewy and I will make this year. If I could, a name change please. Drewy and I will go under the name of " TEAM TRACK ". I will be supplying him with the necessary shirt.

If Drewy and I manage to take out the front 5 games (which I can't see being that hard), how about we try that WWF concept league that they have in the states. Then I could takeout Dwambo with my " must be the money " move. I'm petty sure there will be more spectators than bowlers for this particular event.

2 weeks and counting, see you all there........
ok george i wll change your name to team track , but a word of warning becarefull of what u wish for you might just get it!!!(splash)

i have just spoken to brian at caboolture and he is keen to go to 18 teams after getting such a great response to 12 teams.

a new prizefund has been made -

entry fee $70 ($140 per team)
6 games
payout per skin- 1st $200
2nd $100

18 teams =216 games x $3.30per game= $712.80
entry fee = 18 x $140 = $2520
skins payout = $1800
which leaves $7.20 ( i can buy 2 beers

so there you have it $1800 to be payed out ,with a bit of luck we can get 12 different winners (sorry george).

to anyone who wants to bowl but can't find a partner post your name and phone number here and people will now that you want to bowl.
Well George, I can't wait to see the money move!!!!!! I can't tell you about our move except I hope u have a good doctor, or if it goes wrong a good dentist...
Good to see we have such a great turnout.And a word of warning " If u see me running get out of the way coz the splash will be on"

See u all there......"George u r mine"
One more to add to the list - I am posting on behalf of Sarah Thuell and Gavin Mees!

Team 13 now?
Team Name requested is - Mork + Mindy

16 days to go
thanks lilone, that is now 13 teams 5 more to go , it seems the juniors are keen to take on the adults it should make for an interesting skins. can the juniors teach the older generation a few new tricks or will the older generation show the kids what bowling is all about , whatever the out come it should be fun to watch.

now george you seem to like the wrestling moves so for your sake i hope dwambo doesn't do a rikisi to you and back that arse up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi jeff,
I'll take team 14.Partner is a mystery,even to me.Dwambo looks more like animal steel than rikisi!! Let's hope ge-o doesn't finish up like THE ROCK'S signature move:- ROCK BOTTOM .But ge-o does look like he has had 1 to many clothesline from hell.
(a RVD wannabe)
Hi Jeff,

Well you better count me in as team 15 (TEAM UNKNOWN)

Jason Pearson and Graeme Morgan

Can you email me if any problems.
hi all, we now have 16 out of 18 so just 2 more to go . good to see u come out of retirement jase
. don't forget the brackets so bring some extra cash and i am sure george will be keen to have some side bets as well.speaking of george you seem to like setting prices how about you run a book on who is going to win the most money?
Come to think of it Ge-o you do look like the spitting image of D-von dudley!!

Yes Ge-o u did bowl well,probably the best i've seen u bowl,especially your 279. As for me,no excuses bowl very poorly.But how did u perform on the last 2 sport conditions? I hope drewy knows what he has got himself into by teaming up with u.
Until then"PROVE ME WRONG" (name that wrestler)
No books for me BFCC, what do you think I am, a gambler???

Just make sure you have HEAPS of brackets available to go in. Even though entry is $70, I'll be bringing an extra $200-$300 for brackets, side pots and sweepers.

I still don't see much competition, and considering I avg over 232 Thursday night on a 40ft sports pattern where no one else could average over 200 I still feel pretty confident. Ask Hamo how easy it was, I think even with this 233 game he jagged he would have been lucky to average 175. See what happens when they put some oil out?

As for Dwambo, I have been working on a move called " WHASSUP ". You may have seen the dudley boys do it, it's not a pretty site. I"ll be jumping off the ball return for that one.

Heard a rumor about the lane draw being rigged and George getting lane 18 first up and team splash getting about lane 12 first up (couldn't be too far away , we can't run that far). The result could be a George sized hole in the wall.

Just remember to keep your eye on your target so you don't know when (not if) you will get it!!!! It's hard to aim if you are looking over your shoulder........
hi all , just to let everyone know we now have 17 out of 18 teams

1 -dave + dwambo (team splash)
2 -drewy + george (team track)
3 -kimi + andrew (team juniors)
4 -brian + carl (the big guns)
5 -mel + vaughan
6 -jon + graham (team hyperbowl)
7 -lawrie + brian (team cab-bowl )
8 -robbie + rick
9 -jim + peter (team nsw)
10-darrly + sam
11-kristie + cathy
12-gerry + ian
13-sarah + gavin (mork+mindy)
14-nev + bruce
15-tony+ ????????? (team wwf)
16-jason + graeme
17-garry + john (batman+robin)

so there you have it the 17 teams so far it looks like a great display of talent from the juniors to the seniors, male and female .with george putting out the challenge to some of the big names in qld bowling they have answered the call and are keen to make george eat his words .

there are some impressive teams been put together carl and pilko should be interesting to see how carl handles the sport condition,jim and peter it is a long drive so they must be confindent,animal and batesy home centre will it be to there advantage?and the old firm of garry and john the old batman and robin between these 2 guys they have bowled more games then the rest of the field put together will there experience be enough to get them the money.

all will be answered on sunday the 20th so even if your not bowling come along and watch some of the best bowlers in qld tough it out on another sport condition.

to the bowlers there will be brackets (singles+ teams)for those who wish to have a gamble and i am sure if anyone wants a side bet on the outcome just see george

checkin- 9am bowl 9:15 am
Well BFCC you managed to get another 32 bowlers but I still can't see any of the teams you have listed beating Drewy and us. Come on, is this some sort of joke, must we even show up?? How about the other bowlers chip in and just give Drewy and I $250 each and pay us not to bowl which seems to be a fair option for all.

As for team SPLASH, is throwing your weight around the only way you can compete against the big boys?? How about you concentrate on your bowling and how your going to spare those wash outs your going to keep leaving.

Juniors, come along and learn some things, bring a note book and take notes on how 2 bowlers can dominate just 1 event, you'll learn heaps!!

See you there
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