don't let George shout!!!


I'm still standin'
It is well documented that the good JC was able to turn water into wine...BUT - did you know that "he" was able to turn wine (or in this instance, a Crownie :lol: ) back into the water from which it originated?????
Luckily for all imbibers after Squad A, "he" only managed to get a hold of George's bottle!!!!
For future reference, George, never leave your crownie in the safe keeping of a thirsty, right handed bowler :p

To Dwambo, BFCC, Jagga, Drewy and who else was involved

Y O U B A S T A # @ * !!!!!!
I think you should always let George shout .. especially for haircare "products" - anyone need some gel give Frilingos a call !!
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