Sorry about the delay in posting, but I am a busy person.
Congratulations go out to Adam Reeve(Junior Bowler) on his 1st (of many more to come) WIN in an Open Tournament. He literally flogged all the Adults in the Matchplay Stage of the Event and also got 7 pins per game on top of it. I think in future events, Juniors that are left handed will get no Handicap just becuase he beat us. LOL Just Kidding.
Both He and His Bro are going to great bowlers if they stick with it and don't fall into the Junior to Adult Transition of dissapearing into the never never. And lets admit it, we need more good lefties in this state.
My Original decision to move the event to Burnie, I feel, was Justified by how the event went. We had $300 sposorship from the bowl and Cafe, a very fair/demanding lane condition (that i had nothing to do with), and great support from everybody that turned up on the day. I congratulate Terry Barr and his team for a Great effort and embracing the concept of the Grand Prix Series where we get fair but tough lane conditions to bowl on. Once again with this event, we ended up paying out 1 in 2. Although it might not be huge $$$ it is still better than nothing.
A big Thank you goes to Emma Tubb for doing all the scoring while I bowled. Your effort was greatly appreciated (About time it came back the other way LOL
The next event is the NRG JUICE BAR ELIMINATOR scheduled for the 12th October. It has been suggested by the Sponsor (BRUV) that we hold a twilight event on the Saturday(11th) Evening. Maybe Starting at 3pm. What are ppls thoughts on this. Something Different. After I get some Feed back I will Post Entry form.
Once again, Thanks to all that bowled and helped with the Event. Although we only got 20 entries, it was still a success.
Congratulations go out to Adam Reeve(Junior Bowler) on his 1st (of many more to come) WIN in an Open Tournament. He literally flogged all the Adults in the Matchplay Stage of the Event and also got 7 pins per game on top of it. I think in future events, Juniors that are left handed will get no Handicap just becuase he beat us. LOL Just Kidding.
My Original decision to move the event to Burnie, I feel, was Justified by how the event went. We had $300 sposorship from the bowl and Cafe, a very fair/demanding lane condition (that i had nothing to do with), and great support from everybody that turned up on the day. I congratulate Terry Barr and his team for a Great effort and embracing the concept of the Grand Prix Series where we get fair but tough lane conditions to bowl on. Once again with this event, we ended up paying out 1 in 2. Although it might not be huge $$$ it is still better than nothing.
A big Thank you goes to Emma Tubb for doing all the scoring while I bowled. Your effort was greatly appreciated (About time it came back the other way LOL
The next event is the NRG JUICE BAR ELIMINATOR scheduled for the 12th October. It has been suggested by the Sponsor (BRUV) that we hold a twilight event on the Saturday(11th) Evening. Maybe Starting at 3pm. What are ppls thoughts on this. Something Different. After I get some Feed back I will Post Entry form.
Once again, Thanks to all that bowled and helped with the Event. Although we only got 20 entries, it was still a success.