Do you think bowling is good value for money
Do you think bowling is good value for money when compared with other leisure sports!
My answer is Yes - we are a great leisure activity.
One strategy of I am sure many of 'how we can win on all levels of sport recognition'.
Recreational sport / leisure sport - meaning not to be taken seriously.
That is why we are popular

- because our sport is conceptually easy to do and also more fun because it is not serious.
Nothing wrong with that we get a million people in the door very easily - but we as a rule do not keep them. Does the general community see our sporting opportunities on every wall, in attractive bright colours. Bright enough to challenge the Bowling Birthday party advertising posters (which are very attractive to children) - videos of our best high skilled bowlers - when our social players are on the lanes -
In short I believe our sport for the serious sporting people would be sponsor rich, tournament rich, publicity rich, more people rich if we promoted ourselves (our serious - sport side) to the community at every chance. I know people who bowl occasionally who have never seen a field of people churning out 200 plus averages. I am including a lot of league players - easy to do if you have a few videos of our sporting heroes and have our National level events finals covered by a film crew and footage given to every bowling centre in Australia
to show - now wouldn't that be great for the bowling birthday party kids background visuals.
The bowling centres spend an enormous amount of money advertising the recreational side of Tenpin Bowling. Sport support mechanisms will create a greater percentage of long term players if we take the important leisure crowd into our confidence and share the well kept secret of how exciting our sport at the next level is.
It would be great if the bowling centres and the sport could get resources and strategic planning systems together to promote something that would have our community appreciate our 'sport' profile. Teachers at schools we see every day in Queensland KNOW Cara Honeychurch - and that we were in the Commonwealth Games. Because of the visual promotion of our sport.
Cara's performance or footage should be everywhere.
Sorry - gone on a little (as usual) - In short YES we are a great leisure activity -
Interview 100 non bowlers (in the 12 - 50 age group) away from the bowling centres with the same question and we then see how good we are?
Interview 100 casual bowlers as above and compare the answer again.
Interview 100 league bowlers as above.
Do a National combined (Sport and Centre) promotion - Impliment the IN CENTRE strategies as above then measure the differences. I am a coach and I think that way - If you can't measure a performance how do you know if you are improving. Is that the reason for these polls? I love this sport - hope we grow and prosper amongst other community backed sports.

Cheers Gail