dinner dance 08

haha does really sound like a little kids party thats for sure.. outdoors?? and no tables?? whats that??
I agree Reesie ;).
I'm very old school and traditional when it comes to these things and I just think that these people deserve a bit better than that.
Treat them with due respect.
Roll out the red carpet, get dressed up to the nines, after five dresses for the girls and tux's (or at least dressed appropriately) for the boys.
Have everything looking the part. Make the participants feel special and important.
Make a great impression for the sport. More importantly, look great doing it.
Do away with this fast food, slick-a*se McBoganBowling, shoddy sh*t, low-brow approach that seems to be encroaching on the game too much these days.

It's a big night for the youngsters (sh*t, I'm sounding old here :p) and one that they'll (hopefully) remember for the rest of their lives and a night which I think deserves to be treated better than poxy Sponge Bob Sh*tpants crap sticks which is only half cooked and gives you the good old fashioned 'poo-spews' for a week, no tables and served outdoors.

Feel free to disagree with me, but I just think they deserve better treatment than that.
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