Seems like Kevvy might have put a gag order on Mr Farqy.
Just because you don't agree with something or are not personally told the reasons behind a decision does not automatically make it “stupid” or lacking in “common sense”. Maybe you should ask your representative what they voted and why? If your association was the one association that did not vote then that is also worth finding out why (I don't actually know which association is the one that did not vote I am just covering all bases)Did I ask how the vote went or how it was done? No, I asked why.
I just want to know why people chose the Monday over the other nights when all of the other nights seem to be better suited to the dinner with people travelling to get home on the Monday. It isn't just our team and in future ALL teams will be affected.
If we are going to make this an annual event then what is the point of having it so that people can't attend each year?
Without knowing the reasons behind it the whole thing seems a bit stupid. Enlighten me so that I don't have that opinion.
Just because you don't agree with something or are not personally told the reasons behind a decision does not automatically make it “stupid” or lacking in “common sense”. Maybe you should ask your representative what they voted and why? If your association was the one association that did not vote then that is also worth finding out why (I don't actually know which association is the one that did not vote I am just covering all bases)
I don't have any idea why Monday was chosen over Friday (Colac won't be attending on the Monday night either). Maybe it’s because a lot of people actually still work Friday and arrive late, or maybe it’s because teams like to have a team gathering on the night before the event as part of their preparation - rather than an official function. Maybe it because teams want to practice on the Friday, or maybe they want an early night because of the early start Saturday. Maybe it’s because most people are already three parts cut when they arrive on the Friday. They are just some of the reasons I can think of - there are undoubtedly many more.
Monday might be preferred because the event is over and you can relax and enjoy it more. It is also possible that a lot of teams now stay the Monday night rather than making the big drive home after three tiring days of bowling, therefore making the Monday more convenient for most than the Friday. Not everyone has to work / chooses to work the following day. A lot of people work this weekend into their holidays and have days off either side of the weekend.
To me the bottom line is that 10 associations were asked to vote. Each association has a representative that votes based on the views of the association members that they are representing (in theory). The vote for having the dinner on the Monday night was 7-2 so that is what will happen. No vote will ever suit everybody but it is about keeping the majority happy (which you have already stated you don't have any problems with).
I also don't see why the reasons behind every decision needs to be explained on an open forum. Surely that is what the association reps are there for - they are the people that attend these meetings - so my advice is go and ask them. If they don't know the answer they should be able to find out on your behalf.
I do not attend VCTBA meetings so I don't have any inside information on what happens – I am just giving a personal opinion. Discussion is healthy but it often seems to end up being negative, critical or full of sarcasm.
7-2 -- One association did not vote -- not sure whether someone did not attend a meeting or did not reply to an e-mailJust wondering how does a 7-2 vote go into 10????
Either way it wouldnt of mattered. Just a suggestion maybe they should get the bowlers to vote instead of the association. Because at the end of the day it was the bowlers who organised last years dinner. Its a shame we cant get all teams together. Maybe a dinner on the Saturday or Sunday night might be a better option. Finish a bit later on the Monday but atleast we can get everyone together. Not whinging about it just putting forward my suggestion for years to come. Not long now until the weekend. Looking forward to catching up with everyone. Its my favourite weekend of the year.
I don't know the reason Monday was chosen. My point was i don't believe the VCTBA exec need to respond to every query on here - they would not get time to do anything else!Gary,
I didn't say it was stupid, I said it seems stupid. I also asked why any of the other options were not chosen. There was also a proposal to hold the dinner on the Saturday or Sunday night.
Given that this affects every team in CCup I don't see why people can't just state their reasons on here. Is there a reason why it can't be said on here?
Glad i could help RobNice post Mr. Black, saved me typing it out.
You might get called out on the show so you think you can dance Ray.............
My point was i don't believe the VCTBA exec need to respond to every query on here - they would not get time to do anything else!
The VCTBA exec actually does something????
First I've heard of it.
Seriously Deano - you think that would workWell Mr Black i rekon we organise one for the Friday night as well. We will sort the annoying person out.
Devil if you devil if you don't. Yes i am sure someone could respond - like Denece did but why should they have to. Try e-mail or telephone or asking your association rep. The amount of questions and comments and criticisms that are posted - like i said previously why would they bother to respond to every single enquiry?certainly not too busy to respond on a forum
At some stage definitely - just not this year Rob. I am not bowling country cup this year - one less drunk on the Monday night. Be there with bells on next year though!mountain - mole hill - mole hill - mountain
here nor there
what does it matter?
In retrospect, it probably could have been arranged earlier then accommodation, work ect for some teams may have been able to have been adjusted or booked differently. Hopefully some constructive changes or early notifications can be made for 2012 so all associations have the options without late changes. JMO.
PS...hope we are having a beer at some stage Gary![]()