Would you like to see a Hall of Fame and Dinner presentaion on Monday Night

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Update all standings after Womens round 12.

Bendigo 54.5
Shepparton 54.5
Sunraysia 54
Geelong 47
Latrobe Valley 46
Warrnambool 40.5
Colac 38
Albury 31.5
Ballarat 29.5
Wodonga 24.5

High Game for Round 12 Sonja Van Meel 220

Men after Round 11
Shepparton 49
Sunraysia 46.5
Geelong 45
Albury 44
Warrnambool 36.5
Latrobe Valley 36
Ballarat 35
Bendigo 34
Colac 33.5
Wodonga 25.5

High game for Men round 11 Peter Emmett 235

Overall after Womens Round 12
Shepparton 103.5
Sunraysia 100.5
Geelong 92
Bendigo 88.5
Latrobe Valley 82
Warrnambool 77
Albury 75.5
Colac 71.5
Ballarat 64.5
Wodonga 50

Its all getting very close!
come on sunraysia pick it up time to show them what they came to see
lets get back them points LETS GO!!!
After Ladies Round 13

Sunraysia 60
Shepparton 59.5
Bendigo 55.5
Latrobe Valley 52
Geelong 48
Warrnambool 45.5
Colac 40
Ballarat 35.5
Albury 33.5
Wodonga 25.5

High Game for Round 13 Lisa Garioch 218

Shepparton 108.5
Sunraysia 106.5
Geelong 93
Bendigo 89.5
Latrobe Valley 88
Warrnambool 82
Albury 77.5
Colac 73.5
Ballarat 70.5
Wodonga 51
After Round 14 of Womens competition

Sunraysia 67
Shepparton 65.5
Bendigo 61.5
Latrobe Valley 57
Geelong 50
Warrnambool 46.5
Colac 40
Ballarat 39.5
Albury 36.5
Wodonga 26.5

High Game in Round 14 Lisa Garioch 257

Overall results
Shepparton 114.5
Sunraysia 113.5
Bendigo 95.5
Geelong 95
Latrobe Valley 93
Warrnambool 83
Albury 80.5
Ballarat 74.5
Colac 73.5
Wodonga 52
Standings after Men Round 13

Shepparton 60
Sunraysia 54.5
Geelong 54
Albury 50
Ballarat 47
Latrobe Valley 45
Warrnambool 40.5
Colac 39.5
Bendigo 37
Wodonga 27.5

High Game for Men round 13 Kevin Wilkins 265

Overall After Men Round 13
Shepparton 125.5
Sunraysia 121.5
Geelong 104
Latrobe Valley 102
Bendigo 98.5
Warrnambool 87
Ballarat 86.5
Albury 86.5
Colac 79.5
Wodonga 54
Huge Congrats to Kevin Wilkins on throwing a 300 during Country Cup on lane 6 in round 14.

Well done mate.
kev wilkins?? as in from shep?
gee wizzz! what am i doing over here missing that sort of stuff!!
congrats kevy!!

Still looking for those standing sheets with the individual results...anyone want to help me out and scan them for the bowling tragics who are reading this thread?

Congratulatuions Kevin. Great scoring!
After Round 16 in Ladies

Ladies Division
Sunraysia 78
Shepparton 71.5
Bendigo 68.5
Latrobe Valley 64
Geelong 61
Warrnambool 52.5
Colac 47
Ballarat 46.5
Albury 40.5
Wodonga 30.5

High Game for Ladies Round 16, Alicia Garioch 238

Overall After Round 16.
Shepparton 138.5
Sunraysia 135.5
Geelong 116
Latrobe Valley 115
Bendigo 111.5
Ballarat 97.5
Warrnambool 94
Albury 93.5
Colac 90.5
Wodonga 58
Still looking for those standing sheets with the individual results...anyone want to help me out and scan them for the bowling tragics who are reading this thread?

Congratulatuions Kevin. Great scoring!

We have computer issues and can't scan the scoresheets - sorry.

The best I can do is offer to manuall type top 3 averages from each team or top 20 averages total for men's and women's division respectively.

Or do you just want to keep an eye on the bet? It aint a dead issue yet! ;)
Top 20 averages would be nice to see David...thanks for keeping us all up to date on the standings.
Just about to start round 18 for ladies, give me 20 minutes or so to update everything else

After round 17 in Ladies

Ladies Division
Sunraysia 85
Shepparton 74.5
Bendigo 73.5
Latrobe Valley 71
Geelong 63
Warrnambool 56.5
Colac 53
Ballarat 46.5
Albury 40.5
Wodonga 31.5

High Game for Round 17 Tania Moore 231

Overall After Ladies Round 17
Sunraysia 142.5
Shepparton 141.5
Latrobe Valley 122
Geelong 118
Bendigo 116.5
Warrnambool 98
Ballarat 97.5
Colac 96.5
Albury 93.5
Wodonga 59
Top 20 too hard - too much going on.

So here's the top 15 ladies after round 14 (that's all I'll disclose)

Lisa Garioch 199
Amanda De Lange 198
Kelly Jones 194
Alicia Garioch 192
Selina Threlfall 191
Michelle Hodge 189
Sonja Van Meel 188
Nicole Bree 186
Tracey Monti 184
Ashleigh Brittain 184
Alicia Mason 181
Denise Mewburn 180
Kylie Jeffries 178
Renee Seebeck 174
Josie Moore 174

Men same will be up as soon as I can
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