At the moment the results for the roll off are not up yet and i am just wondering if anyone has them just a qucik post to say the top ten.
Goodluck to all im sure the best bowlers will make it cos there are so many of them out there. Thanks.
Looks like some tough bowling out there today, Stephen Reynolds the only bowler over the card, clearly a level above everyone else out there for now. Well done Steve, and well dont to all the other bowlers making there way up the list.
just like to start by sayin congratulations to everyone who bowled!!
a huge congrats to me lil sis who was right up there all weekend and managed to hold on today finishing 6th even tho her thumb was givin her hell! well done sweetie you bowled like a champ!
and to the other vic girls Cassie and Alicia well done girls you know i love ya both and that you are champs!!!!
well done to everyone makin the top 10 thats a fair effort in itself!
I just wanna congratulate everyone who made it this w/e. Spesh congrats 2 Mikel, Reynolds, Cow, Jess M and Fiona S. You guys rock.
Catchup with ya all laters.
Congratulations to everyone who got out there and had a bowl, espeically to the top 10 in both the boys and girls, BIG congrats to my good mate Steve Reynolds on smashing it, well done mate.
Yeh cripple keep away from the aqua golf until you've bowled shield for us lol nah well done mate, have a good time in the US and dont go getting shot for being an idiot
Huge congratulations to Emma Tubb on finishing 4th.
You are a champion Em and have done all of us proud. After all your hard work, you deserve this chance and I couldn't be happier for you.
Congrats to Kara on making the next cut too and also to the almost Tasmanian, Alicia