Classic moments 4 EVERYONE

Patrick you are quite right,and from another outsiders perspective this is very close to bullying. If you have something mean to say to, or about the guy, say it to his face or save it for the lanes.
I hope the moderators are watching this forum and are taking note.
Andrew Shinnie
hey everyone. being from shellharbour myself i can only say we all say some pretty stupid things, me included in that! why have u only targeted ben??
we all say dumb things, so what? why make fun of that person on a site that is looked at world wide? at least ben can dish as well as take, although in this case he has no choice, which is more than i can say for alot of people!
this post may only be a bit of fun for u guys, but would u like it if it was the other way around and the joke was on u? u say dont take it to heart, but sometimes that cant be helped!
thats all im gonna say on this topic!
seeyas round
ok once again I apologise, I have change the topic, and deleted what I have posted, so turn it in to everyones classics and not just one person.
hi everybody...
i think you's have all taken this the wrong way... i don't know about brad or stephen... but i had no intention of making him feel bad!! or making him a target!! i'm sorry if anyone thought i was doing otherwise...

i had to laugh last nigt in leauge.....

bowler 1- " i didnt miss the pocket once in taht game"
bowler 2- " what game did u shoot"
bowler 1 - "150"
bowler 2- ( HAHAHAHAHAH u must of missed once then at least"
bowler 1- "well i miss the hoel in frames 2...3...5....6...8....10 and they were all splits"
bowler 2- " so in fact instead of bowling an unlucky game u just bowled F U C K E D!!!!"

i had to laugh at the convo hahah

nice call bowler number 1

were not picking on ben i am saying that first of all everyone knows ben and how funny he is that is what this is about no one is saying that ben is a dumbass or a dork we are saying that he is a funny bastard that all nothing demeaning well thats in my point of veiw and way everyone that has posted on this site are friends of ben that have shared in his brilliant calls whether they be stupid or not they are crackups and thats why we are telling people about them now ben is famous for being funny ALL OVER THE WORLD and i dont c why people have a problem with that. ben dosnt say dumb things he says FUNNY things thats all we c them as anyway.
Being a good friends with ben this how i feel no offence intended.
Hey Jono i have no idea who u r but i agree with u 100% no one ment 2 try and offend ben they were just trying 2 tell ppl some of the funny things he has said and done and not offending him in anyway so ben its all goods

later ppl
hey ppl, its sam here,
just wanted to say that ben you say some really funny stuff and it cracks us all up. but what you also gotta remember is that everyone is just mucking around. ok so the joke may have gone a bit too far now but we all do and say stupid stuff. geez ive probably said just as many stupid things as you so dont worry

keep smiling
luv sammy
YA know what??

i know alot of ppl take things the wrong way but this was one twisted convo or postin on ben ay.. Ben is one of my goo dfriends and i thought it was so slack..

sorry 4 the swearin but **** U Hayli.. Y put so much **** on Ben 4 he done nufin 2 harm u so leave him alone..

He is 1 funny bastard but dude dun 4get things could get twisted so BEN take it easy wif what u say ay..

I might sound like a complete MORON goin on the way i am but im just sayin stuff 4 my friends..]

i put **** on ben 4 fun..
everyone does so yeh..
im gunna shud up now
ctach yas
P.S. BEN.. Luved the stak ay.. ;p
hi reese...

what is every1's problem... incase anyone has noticed i never actually said anything to ben paying him out!!! he just decided to go off at me because we have had our differences lately... and he was just angry at me for agreeing!! why isn't every1 going off at all the ppl that actually said things (not naming ppl) sorry reese, but i'm sick of every1 telling me off for doing nothing!!!!

you just said yourself that you pay out ben for fun, that's what every1 else was doing, no offence but when are ppl going to realise that they were only joking, i know sometimes it's hard to take it to heart, but ben himself says things you can't help taking to heart!!because if you actually look at the other posts, every1 else made a comment, but i just said yeah i'd have to agree... and that was it!!! ben used to be a really good friend of mine too

sorry guys...
Yeh hayli sorri bout that i was just puttin my point down.. sorri if u took i the wrong way ay..
I relized u and ben have tiffs all the god damn time but yeh..
iv neva really paid out ben u know.. I know it all fun and yeh.. i mean it was funny but shockin 2 c what happened at Youth..
But anyhow sorri 4 any trouble cya when i cya dude
ok people. calm down....
getting back 2 the topic...
time 2 pay myself out... hehe

last year me n mel franke were sittin round discussing shield etc. cos it was like the week b4 nationals.. anyway we got talking bout how we needed 2 spend more time 2gether as a team blah blah and i came out with 'yeh we definitely need more team BONDAGE...'
(instead of bonding) lol mels jaw dropped n it was the funniest look i have eva seen! next thing said was 'well then .. i dont know what game your playing...'

haha well we just thought that was pretty funny... n wot can i say... hehe

omg...... ppl get ova it!!!!!
jeese get bak 2 the topic of stupid **** said. u guys drag this **** it on!
If u want a good laugh all u have 2 do is hang around paul gifford for 2 mins and u wil b laughing he says sum pretty stupid things and he knows it but he dont care, hehehe no offence giff u know yr the man!!
cyas all round
I am just going to say what i think. Hayley i reakon you are the most selfish person i know. You dont care what anyone else feels or wants all you care about is yourself. You have no right to say stuff about people like ben and others cause you are not perfect either. Just thought i would tell you how i feel.
Damn whats everyones problem with Hayli, if you's haven't realised yet HAYLI DIDNT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT BEN, all she did was agree with people, so why dont you's get up everyone else who agreed with ME or whoever else posted about ben, why dont you get up me I'm the one who started this damn topic, I do realise it was a slack thing to do now, but I deleted what I sed and thats all I can do so please give hayli a break

Ok on a funnier not, I remembered a quote from an ex-girlfriend, One night we were talking about cars, and she sed "My mum brought a new Holden VT S (this was a while ago), i wanted her to buy a GST but she didnt want to spend that much money"

For those who arent fimiliar with it, she meant to say "a GTS", as the GST is the Goods and services tax
, well i though it was quite funny at the time.

Later On,
and there's a perfect example of everyones not perfect
"on a funnier not"???? lol i meant note hehe
ok just one question? what happened to people posting there names on here so people know who u r?
sweet candy who are u? hayli might not be perfect and yeah she can be a bitch sometimes. but cant we all?? no one is perfect
as brad has already said, hayli never paid ben out directly once! all she did was agree with some things people have said.
this whole topic has gone way out of hand, and now people are just using it as an exuse to bag others out. these posts are supposed to be fun.
Ok Guys....

Listen. Ever since High skool, ive always been payed out. my Red hair, im tall and skinny, my pale skin, my freckels. i am an easy target, i know it. But, the thing is.....just imagine a world without me!!

It has goten acumstom to some ppl, they wake up and say "ok whats Ben guna say 2day? " The thing is, i have always been the one to make ppl laugh. I love makin ppl laugh....and im sure if you did it to, you would find out it is a great feeling.

I would like to sincerely apologize to Hayli Mazzoni. Im sooo sorry Hayli, but yea....i just snapped, coz im sick of ppl putting **** on me all the time.

I would also like to thank my close friends Slats, Matt Sofia, Jono, Leanne, and all the others for stickin up for me. that means heaps .....

But just think.....if you ever need a larf, you can always count on me!!

Oh and reeese ur a champion....

Thankx at leats ppl will know my name...
It just gets to me sometimes.

but im thankful that i have HEAPS of friends that i can turn to....both guys and gals.

Thankz again for all the ones that stuck up for me!
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