Well, I'm Chris. I'm 21 and studying secondary education at James Cook University in Townsville.
Pretty tame really, bowled 5 years as a Burdekin Rep in the Junior NCZ team and once as an adult member. Not doing much bowling at all now because of uni
, but I was averaging around 160 before I stopped bowling in league. High game is currently a 249 but I'm hoping to break the 250 soon.
MUSIC!! I've just started playing the electric guitar, but have been writing lyrics for a while just in my spare time. I also spend a great deal of time on the computer/internet when I get bored.
That's all I can think of - if there's anything else just ask me.
Pretty tame really, bowled 5 years as a Burdekin Rep in the Junior NCZ team and once as an adult member. Not doing much bowling at all now because of uni
MUSIC!! I've just started playing the electric guitar, but have been writing lyrics for a while just in my spare time. I also spend a great deal of time on the computer/internet when I get bored.
That's all I can think of - if there's anything else just ask me.