Power Penguin
New Member
UniSA has publicised it heaps because we are having Australian University Games here, but if we want to bowl we have to go to northern to qualify.
weggy said:I looked on the site and you need five to lineup. Even so, the university didn't let us know that bowling was in the calendar this year. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for next year's comp.
piequat said:I meant for the regional qualifiers.
Crawf said:I found out that Deakin is sending a team as well. I had no idea bowling was one of the sports!
Definitely something to look forward to for next year.
weggy said:I thought that was the case for the regionals...
Crawf said:OK, so we've just finished talking about the National University Games, and suddenly i've received an email about the Australian University Games. Just wondering who is competing, if this is in fact an entirely different event?
What caught my eye was that Deakin University are recruiting for several sports, including tenpin bowling (I'm looking at YOU Mr. Craig Ryan!). Our cutoff date to enter is August 11, so i'm guessing it's all happening very soon!