Chloe Harradine-Hale...277!!


New Member
A huge Congrats to our daughter Chloe.
She bowled a 277 today in a prebowl for Top Dollar League.
She also bowled her best 4 game series>>>277,225,192,187 for a total of 881.
Well done Chloe we are really proud of you.
Love Mum and Dad and Nathan.Xoxox
So much for bowling under average...that looks pretty good to me.

Congrats Chloe, keep it up.
Congratamulations Butterfingers!!! :) You're an absolute legend! This just goes to show everybody just how much talent you've got and I know that if you keep at it and keep working on your game like you have you're going to go incredibly far with your game :) The 300 is surely just around the corner!!!

Keep on bowling up a STORM and keep up the great work! I'm VERY proud of you :)


Rowey :p
Congrats chloe!!!, keep up the excellent bowling, and can't wait to see you down in illawarra for the shellharbour jnr open
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