Can't let go !!!


Bigsy here again.

I have been having a problem with my release, where i tend to hold/grip the ball for fear of having it fall off.

This in turn is hurting my thumb to the point where I get a blister on the thumb knuckle and tear off some skin.

How can I get out of the habit of holding on?

Will reverse pitch help me get me thumb out quicker?

Is this, in turn, affecting my release to the point where I am not getting enough tilt on the ball, causing it to straighten early?

Will this also allow me to put some more hook on the ball?

Lots of questions I know.

P.S. - Anyone near Melton have coaching clinics?


Lots of things could be causing this problem. Iv recently had similar problems and its taken a lot of trial and error to reduce it to a point where its not painful during or after bowling but still gets swollen sometimes.

Initially what caused my pain was bowling with a new ball when the span was way too big, this caused me to blister my thumb and it also caused pain everytime i bowled, even after i got the span fixed due to abusing my thumb with the ill fitting ball.

Once the span was at the right place we then looked at the thumb size and adjusted this twice to a point where now it is much better. Sure it still causes some issues when i bowl more than say 6 games but some people just have thumbs that swell. You will find lots of tips on how to reduce the swelling on the net.

Firstly though id check your span and thumb size, im no expert i just know what has recently worked for me.

Also how heavy is your ball if you are in fear of dropping it, could a drop in weight help???

Good Luck
A lot of this is 'upstairs' im thinking. Smooth and soft at the bottom of the swing all you gotta do
As Roysa say's, the 3 things that will make you hang on for grim death; over-spanned, hole too large and too much reverse pitch. Find a reputable Ball Driller, I don't know who fitted your Ball, but from my experience there are a lot of lousy Drillers out there, and some have been doing it for many years.

Even when you do get a good fit, you will find you have developed a habit of bending your Thumb, it has to be trained out.

Also how heavy is your ball if you are in fear of dropping it, could a drop in weight help???

Ball is 15lb

Find a reputable Ball Driller, I don't know who fitted your Ball, but from my experience there are a lot of lousy Drillers out there, and some have been doing it for many years.

I had my ball drilled at Aspley a few years ago now. I wasn't really asked a lot of questions. It was just "Hi, how are you? O.K. your ball is ready to go"

A lot of this is 'upstairs' im thinking. Smooth and soft at the bottom of the swing all you gotta do

Agreed !!! I realise that I have a mental problem :p
Hey mate.

The replies on this topic so far have all been top notch. Span, pitch and size of thumb are all extremely important. This will remove the pain. Given you are in Melton, it is only a short trip to Oztenpin Greensborough to visit me if you want to get your fit right once and for all.

Ongoing, make sure you use tape in the thumb hole to adjust for sizing as your thumb swells and shrinks. Some prefer white textured tape, some prefer black smooth tape. Both will acheive the result of optimising your thumb size at any given time.

Let me know via pm if I can help.
He atleast measured you up didnt he??:confused:

I was measured up, but only for thumb size and finger size. I don't know a great deal about PAP's and pins and RG and flare differential (in fact I know nothing)

I even brought in my old ball just in case it would help analysing my bowling style. Oh live and learn.

Let me know via pm if I can help.

I will be talking to someone tomorrow hopefully. If I am still a bit confused, I will certainly take you up on this offer.

I was measured up, but only for thumb size and finger size. I don't know a great deal about PAP's and pins and RG and flare differential (in fact I know nothing) Matty...

Bigsy you did the right thing taking your ball, they can look at your track and get a fair bit of info about how you bowl it. As for the PAP and Pins etc, you dont need to know about it cos they do (or are supposed to :D ). The span would be the same (or should be in most cases, someone correct me if im wrong) regardless of where the actual holes are in the ball.

Sounds like you have taken the first step to getting it right... once its done you will wonder how you went so long putting up with the pain and blisters.
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