Canberra Seniors Cup

Thanks Ed, updated Squad List attached.

There are only 2 spots left in B Squad and 8 left in A Squad. Those that have not paid deposits, please do so particularly if you want to bowl B Squad.

I will be ringing the bowl tomorrow morning to get further updates of deposits paid.


Andrew C


  • CanberraSeniorsCupSquadListing17032009.doc
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Hi All,

Updated Squad list as at this morning 18/3.

As a further courtesy to intending bowlers, there have been requests for Squad A from Alvin Frost, Peter Hammond andTerry Wenban and for Squad B from Ron Bickerstaff, however, the bowl do not appeat to have received a deposit ( Phone 02 62933888 )

Can you please confirm if you have paid through the bowl or if you sent it direct to the TD by mail or by electronic transfer to ATBSO of ACT account.

Thank you

Andrew C


  • 2009 Canberra Seniors Cup - squad list March 17 2009.doc
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Hi All,

Updated Squad list attached and please note that B Squad is now full.

We will accept late entries ( as per Entry form ) for A Squad should any bowlers wish to still compete.

Oil pattern should be same as last year's ( still waiting for confirmation -see below )

" Tech and I are going to have a go at loading last years Oil Pattern into the machine tomorrow, ( Sunday 22/3 ) and will inform how we go.

David Grant
AMF Tuggeranong Manager "

I have asked for an update on whether this happened and will post again when I know. Regards

Andrew C


  • 2009 Canberra Seniors Cup - squad list March 21 2009.doc
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Unfortuneately I wasn't here last year.

I tried looking at last years posts and could find the oiling pattern there either.

Do you know where I could find last years


Hi All,

I will ask the Manager at Tuggeranong bowl tonight when I am there for League about the oil pattern. Unfortunately, a change in Manager and Head Tech in the last 2 months has made it a little difficult to even find the pattern.

Our TD doesn't have it in a format that can be released in a graph, and so we will just have to wait till I talk to the bowl management tonight. It was one that was purpose built by the previous manager Chris Bateup and the previous Head Tech. I will let you know tomorrow where we are with it. Cheers

Andrew C
Hey Andrew,
On the last squad listing you still have me only paying deposit.It's paid in full.I just don't want any problems when I get to the bowl.Could you fix it up for me.
Cheers Lovey
Hi Steve, sorry about that. It looks like the previous squad listing I sent to the bowl was not replaced with the most up to date. ( 23/3/20009 )
Here it is. Cheers, Andrew C


  • 2009 Canberra Seniors Cup - squad list March 23 2009.doc
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Updated Squad listing as at 24/3.

Still working on release of Oil Pattern, but it will be same as last year's! Will release it as soon as the Tech from the bowl has been able to do so. Cheers

Andrew C


  • 2009 Canberra Seniors Cup - squad list March 24 2009.doc
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Hi All,

I am very sorry but the bowl have been struggling to produce a Graph of the Oil Pattern to be used this weekend. They had to arrange for the Head Tech from AMF to come down here today to get the pattern out of the machine, but I have not had a report as to whether this was successful.

The pattern will be last year's pattern and I hope to be able to produce this tomorrow, but worst case it will be available Saturday. Sorry, Andrew C
Hi Andrew,

It will be much easer for picking up a pattern informaiton from Kegel site then put it into the machine.

Hi JP,

The pattern was one specifically designed by previous manager of the bowl in conjunction with the previous Head Tech ( so I believe ) , so it isn't one you can just pick off the Kegel site. It would have been easy to post and could have been done weeks ago if it was but alas, it wasn't.

We are still trying to get this out to you all today, but as the bowl Manager is away today, and no-one else at the bowl can help, we have to go through the Regional channels to see if someone has resolved this.

I will let you know. Regards

Andrew C
Updated Squad list as of 27/3. Regards

Andrew C


  • 2009CanberraSeniorsCupsquad_list_March_27_2009.doc
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As per my last post, I don't have a graph diagram of the pattern but I do have the kosi file for those of you who know what all the numbers mean (see attached). If we get a graph today, it will be posted. If not, I am hoping we can have copies available at the bowl tomorrow morning.

PS. If there is someone out there who can program this into a Kegel and print out a graph, it would be very helpful.


  • CSC - Oil pattern kosi file.txt
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Also, I paid my deposit on Monday to the bowl via credit card but there is no mention of it, can this please be checked as I am already here in Canberra.
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