In a post in the tournament section George mentions upcoming events in Qld. One of these was the Caboolture Cup on the 13/14th October. Is this still a goer? and if so what is the format? If it is not going ahead what is the format for the Gympie Open the week after ?
The main reason I ask is that I will be travelling from Townsville, and don't want to fork out my hard earned until I know what the format is and whether it is a goer.
I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can help me out.
It is a small event, first palce only about $300 or so if I recall. Not much worth travelling down for a little while yet. Redcliffe probably the only decent event left on the calender with 1st place this year $2000 paying 1:3. Email me at and we will chat.
Funky chicken
Caboolture cup is on the 27th october.Cost is 60 bucks bowl 10 games.Top 7 bowl american style step ladder.
1st 250,2nd175,3rd150,4th125,5th100,6th80,7th & 8th 60.
And yeah its a goer!!!!!!!!
To F/C,
Just to correct Ge-o on the redcliffe open.
Date: 30th Nov,1st& 2nd Dec
Entry Fee: $200 (max 80 bowlers)
Pay-out 1:2 16 games(2 blocks of 8)
1st $2000
2nd $1500
down to 40th $100
Female Payout (outside top 40)
1st $150
down to 6th $100
$200 for every 300 bowled
Thanks for the info on Redcliffe, it sounds like a super tournament. You can count me as a definite, and if you send me a couple of entry forms I might be able to entice a couple of other slack asses from up her in the North to come and have a crack against some of the southern guns.
Just send 'em to
Steve Hunt
c/o Currajong Super Bowl
411 Bayswater Road,
Garbutt, Townsville
PS Dwambo thanks for the info on Caboolture.
PPs George thanks for.......NOTHING!!!! You big Goombie Left Hander - wait till Suncity I 'll show ya why us righties are so superior and why you should change