Brunswick Perth Tenpin Cup, Finals

Was exciting this year, very exciting. Memorable things, Frawley and his 300, mark petz and his very nice 5-7-10 and several high blocks....

Tim Mack with 4 lane record awards
Andrew Frawley with the first 300 award (wot did he get by the way?? the prize was a brunswick ball, but hes sponsored by storm so i dunno)
Best Bum award - Clinton Phelps
Highest placed lady outside the cut - Toni Woodcock
Highest placed youth outside the cut - Luke Dick
Highest placed first timer outside the cut - tie Marnie Young and Adrian Altieri (myself). ( these awards are for WA resident bowlers only... or bowlers who have lived here for more than 3 months)

That was about it... All in all, sue if u read this, it was a fantastic tournament as it alwayz is... thanks fairlanes, it was awesome....

thats all from me
Well Perth Cup is over for another year and like always it was a very enjoyable weekend.

Congrats to Andrew on the win in his first Perth Cup (i think) as he did bowl very well all weekend.

And a big THANK YOU to Sue (and all the Fairlanes staff) for putting on this great event in which was one of the toughest fields they have ever had, and proved to be the most enjoyable one of the last 3 cups that i've participated in. Also to Brunswick and Steve Jones for sponsoring this event and being the major factor into creating the very attractive prize fund we were all competing for. :D:D:D

I definitely can't wait till next year's event :)

Later :twisted: :p :twisted:
That +749 is total pin fall for Stage one (16 Games) and stage two (15 Games) with bonus pinfall as well. I think he averaged about 217.

Thanks Stax for providing such great coverage of the Perth Tenpin Cup. Even though I was not there all weekend, I, with many others, am greatful for your efforts in keeping us all up to date all weekend!

To view the results in table format, I welcome all that are interested, to direct their browsers to for a complete summary of the results.
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