Brett Laird bowls 300!!

Thanks you guys:) means alot

but there is a couple of people i would like to thank!

My Nan... for driving me everywhere
My Coach Carol... without you i dont know where i would be atm!(hard work is finally paying off!)
My Driller Jeff..... Spent countless of hours on my thumb!
and lucky last.. My Bestfriend Rocky(who was lucky enough to on the same lane with!)... keeping me from going insane, helping me alot off the lanes:)
Good work man> Good to see it happen to some one that puts so much into his game :)
Sorry this took so long to post.
Well done Brett on achieving a lifetime goal and having family and friends around makes it even more special.

Well done again,

Tony Hamilton
Congratulations Brett you have been knocking on the door for sometime now, glad to see you finally cracked it.

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