
oh wait a sec your rowan who bowled a 300 yeh you would know him for sure. Your pretty good i saw you there today i was bowling next to bryce you know that guy that was bowling crap. :oops: :oops: :oops: :D
Not trying to start world war 3........ But y do u choice the brands u do?? Have u tried any other bowling ball brand? I have never tried storm, track etc……. and not planing too. I have been bowling with this brand all my life. ........
The reason y I Love ebonite gear, I have never had a problem with my equipment, so I am very happy with my gear....... I am in process of updating my gear so more EBONITE GEAR 4 ME 8)


Bowl To Win!!

thanks i should bowl with you some time just let me think for a sec....................................
Peanut said:
Not trying to start world war 3........ But y do u choice the brands u do?? Have u tried any other bowling ball brand? I have never tried storm, track etc……. and not planing too. I have been bowling with this brand all my life. ........
The reason y I Love ebonite gear, I have never had a problem with my equipment, so I am very happy with my gear....... I am in process of updating my gear so more EBONITE GEAR 4 ME 8)


Bowl To Win!!


I've had at least one ball by all the major brands. I started off with a few brunswicks, then switched to columbia, then picked up a hammer (which was crap), then a couple of ebonites that died, then switched to track, had a silencer, and assasin and a ko punch. had those for a while then switched over to storm. I've had a few tracks and a columbia ball since i've used storm gear, but I've found that Storm gear is better suited to my game than the others.
In response to Ash's question of why do we choose the brands that we do? I've never really had a choice. Frawls has been running my Pro-Shop up until very recently, and he only stocked two brands. Storm and Roto-Grip. Roto-Grip has only been since Strikezone opened as well. I've never had any major problems with an Storm Equipment, or the Roto-Grip stuff for that matter. I just don't see any need to change companies. Most of the major Brands all release balls to cover all lane ocnditions anyway, it really boils down to personal preference. I've never had a problem with Storm, and they smell better then other companies stuff. So I say TEAM STORM!!

Later Da Cowman!
ive had all types off balls amf columbia track ebonit

but i think the number 1 bowling brand is TRACK

even ask matty sing
Brady, you and Matt Sing are crazy about Track balls. Like Reynolds and Cow are with Storm balls. Me, ilike Storm and Track. But Track comes in second.
hey abeno or however u spell it
track is number 1 over storm sorry

storms great but not great enough

Hey yeah i would have to agree track is the best. :twisted:

Storm would have to be second

At about half way through last year I bought a storm recharge and ever since ive been hooked (get it 'hooked') on the storm gear. my plastic is a blue team storm and three weeks ago i bought myself a storm vertigo.
Strike with an ebonite?
ha ha! you have no hope.
it shouldnt matter what brand you use its what suites your style of bowling
you can use diffrent balls for diffrent conditions


Ebonite that order. I've never been a Storm fan, but I picked up a Razor Wire recently and it's a damn good ball. Not goo enough to make me switch allegiances though.
I'll use whatever suits me, no allegiance to any specific manufacturer. I currently have an oldish Track Stomp and a day old Brunswick BVP Goliath, with an Ebonite Blue Wolf lurking in my bag until I decide what to do with it :)
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