Bowling goes backward.


Congratulations to AMF and the management of Norwood Bowl for putting bowling back ten years in the eyes of our interstate and overseas bowlers, the lane conditions were the worst i have had to bowl on ever. While some may think this is just myself letting of steam perhaps you should take a look at the scores overall. To think that bowlers, in the australasian masters, had to endure these atrocious conditions. No wonder many are leaving shaking their heads in disbelief.
I left Norwood Bowls years ago & so have most of the other league bowlers.
It's S#$@^ hole. AMF should just sell & make it into housing.
I didnt see any problem.
Yes, I found them tough but scorable.
But nothing I didnt expect for a tounament.
After speaking to the local bowlers before the tournament I expected much worse.





243,162,131=536 Had to withdraw from rest of events due to injury during 2nd game
I knew a bob ball once, but he died along time ago, obviously not the same person.

"As a real bowler"......I do like your opening statement!!!!!! but you lost me after that!

As far as lane conditions at norwood, yes while there hard and yes Paul does try and do a good job, I think they will improve if they get there new machine, if they already have it. ?

Nowood have really never had a joke condition like some of the others have had, they have been score-able in the past and they have been inconsistent bad.

I still would like to see more people cope with unrealistic lanes before they get the difficult so called tough ones. Many can't!


i have to agree with chin, they are tough but very scoreable.

and yes i believe norwood have a kegel coming. i think its in storage until christmas and they learn to use it. or something like that.

if the bowler is good enough, they can bowl on any condition. something i have always believed, in all my years of bowling!

As one of the previous posts said, i have to agree, If you've practiced enough, you should learn to adjust to every condition. Some just cant no matter what they try.
Just wasn't you day. Maybe the next time you bowl on the exact condition you may pull great games.
Coaching teaches us young ones alot about changing speeds, positions, making the right adjustments, etc.
I'm 24 and i'll still fall apart once in a while, but if your on, then your on!
I was told recently that Norwood had a brand new Kegel. (Not had the info verified by anyone though).

Correct Norwood does have a new Machine
it was set up friday of last week
However they may choose to wait until the season ends before
changing over as it may affect the leauge standings of some leauges
In reply to the previous posts. I was told by Tournament committee at the Masters Games that yest Norwood had the new oiling machine but when not allowed to use it because no one had been trained. Surely you would think AMF would want people to remember their visit to the Masters Games as a happy memory not one of total disappointment. Or does this show that AMF is just out for the money and doesn't care about giving the best conditions possible to league or Tournament bowlers.
I thought it was common knowledge what AMF thought of its League & Tournament bowlers.

Why would they want to fill a centre at $6.00 a game when you can screw $9.00 a game out of the public for social play.
I thought it was common knowledge what AMF thought of its League & Tournament bowlers.
Why would they want to fill a centre at $6.00 a game when you can screw $9.00 a game out of the public for social play.

Only $9.00 per game, where have you been lately Rob? No wonder the sport can't recruit !!!!!
So then your worried about the league standings them?




P.S. If you were worried about the leagues the you would hurry up and get the machine working at Cross Roads for Monday night Vili's league. (big money league if you didn't know with lots of complaints to management re conditions there)
You guys should just have the SA cup shot down for Superleauge!!

I must be the one of the few bolwers that has been approached by a head tech in this country because as he said at the time.... ''you've bowled arond the place a bit, how do we make our lanes better?" It's a fun job and reminds me of the times when i was the nong complaining about stuff i didnt know much about!! has anyone up there even been approached in that way or is there still a bit of "us against them" from the techs toward bowlers?
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