**** blow and pat



Yeh yeh blah blah, whats your next topic, who has the neatest skip or the best laces??

But you are right I shouldnt criticise, IM gonna suggest to Graham you young ones have your own **** blow and pat forum.

and as for sofia, I prefered you when you were still swimming in your dads bag.
haha good call Mr ''plantpot''
are you talking about his bowling bag???
cause i can't remember swimming in any bag!!!
Well plant pot if read the main forum sections it does say JUNIOR and thats y the juniors are posting in it, if u have a problem with what we write then dont go into the Junior part. Read some other section on the forum main page.

If you think what we write is silly take a look at yourself the way you act on here. Your supposed to be an ADULT.
Plantpot I have one thing to say to you...
Grow up and get your own life and stay in your OWN forum everytime you post something in the JUNIOR forum its always an insult or something totally negative or derogatory and its because of people like you that makes people like me not want to come and have a look in here anymore because its always negative and repetative so please get a life and stay out of ours

toodles all
Hi plantpot...
I think that most of us juniors are happy with some of the topics that we have in our forum.. and no offence but if you don't like them, then simply don't read them, you don't have to critisise what we talk about.
Hayli xox
pretty ordinary form plantpot .. this is the junior forum and the kids are right : dont like it - dont read it - simple as that.
hey peoples...
well in reply to your questions plantpot........
i reckon i have the best shoelaces... nice blue,black and white cord (northern's OLD

hehe :p
long time no contact mate.
So whats this with northerns "OLD" colours dude....

hey jekk! yeh long time no-c dewd.

umm... well... i dunno if im allowed 2 say anything... i dont wanna get in trouble or nuthin... but i will say this.. we wont b screaming anythiing along the lines of "we r the team in blue black and white" this year
Go on Pat.......you can tell them that the new colours are green and brown with pink stripes. But don't forget that you have to wear white long pants.
U can't just change team colours like that

That suks heaps!

I still hold fond memories of those war cries pat.. hahaha..
*i miss ya*
Might call ya for the goss
green, brown and pink stripes??? well unless we changed again.... ?? lol

na they is purple, umm... black? and white?? and umm grey?? i think thats it. (correct me if im wrong)
personally yeh i am against it cos blue, black and white holds fond memories for me and many others but it wasnt my decision. so i will stop complaining.

im sure sik vik being tha legend that she is she will find a way 2 make it look (half) decent. hehe

Sick Vick, now wasn't she always a legend! Pat tell her i said Hey!

Even tho they are great colours... for a state team they S U C K! Whose decision was that hey?
It was a general agreement........seems that our exact shirts from about 2 years ago in our colours were being made up for another sporting team {netball or something} and also the kids were sick of comments from other teams betting where the blue stripe was going to be this year. Also there was usually a lot of confusion between our shirts and Central. How are you anyway Jess, I hear that your mum and dad are selling their house now.....where are they moving to?
Well I didn't even know so i just rang my mum and yeh they are moving to Greta or some other hole like that

Im ok, Tassie is great.
Selling because of new subdivision oposite and Coal mine at the old quarry also 4 bdrm house for 2
We were going to tell Jess ourselves but somebody jumped the gun
Sorry Jess Only just put it on market.

Puppies say hi
Hey Plantpot, I dunno what you're doin criticising us, I think you're the one that needs to mature a bit around here. I mean, come on, if the topics were really that bad, then why would there be so many replies. I mean get over yourself & maybe spend some time working on your self esteem, cause if you have to pick on people to get your jollies, you really must be lacking in it.
I think I can guarantee if you stepped back & took a look at yourself, you might find your not such a hero after all. Or can't you take that? Hey? You can dish it out but you cant take it? That's right isn't it? I think your jealous too. You've probably tried all your life to bowl well, but still cant manage a 150 game even? You have no right to discourage people, like Scotti2Hotti, who have done well.....In fact, I probably shouldnt even be attacking you, but I think you deserve it for being so damn SAD.
Just take your six plastic balls back to Bull****ville & stop harassing the people who spend their time on this forum constructively.
And just to answer your question, I think the black & gold laces off the SST5s Dexters are the best laces

P.s. I think you're missin a few brain cells too, if Matt Sofia werent such a nice guy he'd snap you in half like a twig for sayin that, & if he didnt....I'd do it myself for being such a jerk off. In fact, you'd probably be takin on most of the junior bowlers around

And I'm sorry to anyone else that's been offended by this, but I think it had to be said.
GL & HS to everyone but Plantpot
Big B
You'll probably think I'm hiding behind my Nickname...to show I'm serious, my name is Brett Hall, I live in Nowra, NSW & I bowl at Shoalhaven City Lanes. I'd love to meet you sometime.

Big B
Hey plantpot y don't u get a life and get a clue? As an adult & sum1 who DOESN'T EVEN BOWL (yes thats rite, u may hide behind your username but i still know who u r) u have no right 2 come in2 a junior forum & bag people who have earned their rite 2 have an opinion in here. Do u have nothing beta 2 do than sit there in front of your computer and think up insults all day?! I mean, come on, bagging ppl 4 their spelling? How sad can u possibly get?!
I have to agree with eve on this one it is so laim some of the things you say to juniors plantpot , we are the the future of bowling and if people like you keep putting us down the we will just give the sport away , but you will be happy with that wont you it will make you feel all big inside and for someone who doesnt bowl it just make you look like a absolute w a n k a .

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