Blocked Lanes.


Seen an abundance of telephone book scores of late at a few centres in particular.I think these conditions give bowlers a false reading on how good they think they are.What do other bowlers think.Once again looking forward to the Sports Series to see where bowlers averages are at.Cheers Ralph.
Totally and 100% agree Ralphy boy. A sports pattern will show the bowler that there is more out there than flinging the ball to the dry...

The only defense I have, is these bowlers haven't previously had access to these patterns during league, so they are perhaps not to blame for their inflated score? All they are doing is trying as hard as they can on what is given to them!

When given a sports condition to bowl on, the bowler thrives with experience, and comes to realise how challenging and fun this sport can be when treated as a sport!

Really Really looking forward to the first Victorian event!
Hope some of these "hot shot: bowlers come and have a go at the Sports series.

I'm guessing that a lot of bowlers are in for a rude awakening, myself included, but am really looking forward to testing myself.
Sports pattern or any pattern you still have to throw the shot ...
Tell you what just let them bowl at Dandy this will fix any false hopes they have a you never know what your going to get ....

I remember when the PBA went & changed conditions & the best of the best were throwing games of 140 to win ......Who wants to watch games like that.
Their ratings went out the door with the sponsors.....

If you went to bowling AVG 180 then for the rest of the year avg 140 would you hang around...just food for thought.
I think Ralph is talking about the lanes where finding the pocket is not an issue, and some of the skill is taken out of the game.
You know the Center standard condition where you close your eyes throw it out anywhere near 10 or 5 and it will come flying back to the pocket and as the night wears on you keep moving left and left.
I am not saying these lanes are easy I am just saying given today’s ball technology these conditions help bump them up a little.

I agree low scores are not much fun, but when people are shooting 230+ every game????

The center I am at recently went through a stage of very oily lanes, finding the pocket was tricky and carry was hard, going out near 5 or 10 was way out of bounds. I loved turning up to league and having a good challenge, and was pleased I still managed to stay over the card. We could of had a little more outside not much just a tad and I think it would of been great. (Just my opinion)

But we have now gone back to the AMF standard shot. It's not the tec’s fault he was trying to put down a fair condition under difficult issues and was doing a good job. But I think in centers now people want there ball to hook regardless of whether they know what there doing or not and majority rules.
It's only good good business practice on AMF's part to give people what they want, there in it for the money and they need to keep people happy.

Who knows if it's right or wrong. Different bowlers have different opinions.
For me I think if I can keep a 210+ on any condition dry or oily blocked or hard I have done myself proud. I think it's the ability to adapt and evolve that makes a good bowler.

I look forward to the Sports series, I think the challenge will bring new life in to our states tournament circuit, and a new challenge for bowlers.

Totally and 100% agree Ralphy boy. A sports pattern will show the bowler that there is more out there than flinging the ball to the dry...
The only defense I have, is these bowlers haven't previously had access to these patterns during league, so they are perhaps not to blame for their inflated score? All they are doing is trying as hard as they can on what is given to them!
When given a sports condition to bowl on, the bowler thrives with experience, and comes to realise how challenging and fun this sport can be when treated as a sport!
Really Really looking forward to the first Victorian event!

I totally agree Tonx. I guess I have been bowling on so called blocked lanes in league and have come unstuck recently on a challenging pattern. As you saw Tonx. Its the experiences that the sports series will provide which should help everyone come a better bowler. Even going back to bowl league after bowling on a sports pattern will show a big improvement.
But I think in centers now people want there ball to hook regardless of whether they know what there doing or not and majority rules.
It's only good good business practice on AMF's part to give people what they want, there in it for the money and they need to keep people happy.

Frosty summed up nicely why some centres have conditions the way they are at the moment.

One big reason why scoring has been made easier is the technology in all areas of the sport has changed so much that things like accuracy and consistency are seemingly no longer necessary to throw big scores.
This is truly a shame as bowling on sports conditions is truly a good challenge. There is nothing like stringing together a run of strikes on a tough condition. Gives you a real sense of achievement.

I completely agree with the idea of the sports series and of sports condition leagues and plan on supporting the series at future tournaments once my shoulder is back to full strength and i can actually bowl more than 6 games over 2 days.
I will make it down to watch some of the 1st event, work permitting of course. Hopefully it is a great success and the first of many events.
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