I've had 13 stone cold ten pins in a row does that count? or is it just really unlucky.
Of course not. The racks are always set down with CAD-like precision! Hmmm... Try walking across the approaches at Tuggeranong for a tutorial on bad racks.... (Or any GS-X installation that the techs aren't firmly on top of, for that matter! It's like painting the Harbour Bridge!) Lanes 7 and 9 are classic closed pocket scenarios (1 and 3 pins very close together laterally). You could probably strike with a duckpin ball on them, but a bowling ball will ring the 10 all night from a solid hit. You just have to aim light all night. If you play a lefty, you lose on those pairs if the lefty is any good at all.Dousty never blame the rack! There's no such thing as a "bad rack"
Mick Camarda on Sunday, I left a 5-7-10
There were some ugly leaves on the weekend - quite a few thru the beak for a 4-count 3-4-6-7-9-10 leave.
Actually, I can remember my worst leave ever. At Mt Druitt, which when it was wood, was among the worst reverse blocks ever. If you didn't chuck it up the guts, you were toast. As I couldn't keep the ball on the headpin from the middle of the lane, I tried playing outside 5 board and left the 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,10. I took the 6-9 out clean for a 2 count off the first ball... Three times in two weeks. With a wine U-dot. For some reason, I didn't go back after that...
Saw a 3-4-5-6-7-9 left tonight .....and he spared it.
I wasn't there so I don't disbelieve you but I'm not sure it's possible to take the 1 2 8 10 and leave the rest. Especially the 4 5 6 ?
I presume he was left handed ? I get that the rack might have been off spot to take the 2 8 clean but to take the 1 and nothing else but the 10?
Wish I'd seen it
Sorry CO... i still dont get it? 10 pin bounced back?