Be a selector for a Day


Staff member
Be a selector for a day..

We have 24 hours before the Team is announced so lets have some fun...

Here is your top ten from the two roll offs

  1. Brian Pilkington
  2. Brendan Meads
  3. George Frilingos
  4. Jim Murray
  5. Ian Phelan
  6. Morty Douglas
  7. Ben Taylor
  8. Daniel Mifsud
  9. Daniel Smith
  10. Hamilton, Tony

  1. Stephen Hunt
  2. Robbie Buckley
  3. Christopher Carney
  4. Gary Bailey
  5. Tyson Jones
  6. Luke Turner
  7. John Dunn
  8. Angelo Nucifora
  9. Geoff Ott
  10. Aaron Nowak

Here is my Teams...

Team 1

  1. Stephen Hunt "Vice Captain"
  2. Robbie Buckley
  3. Brian Pilkington
  4. George Frilingos
  5. Morty Douglas "Captain"
  6. Jim Murray
  7. Angelo Nucifora

Reserve in no order
Brendan Meads
Hamilton, Tony

Team 2

  1. Brendan Meads "Vice Captain"
  2. Hamilton, Tony "Captain"
  3. Christopher Carney
  4. Gary Bailey
  5. Ian Phelan
  6. Tyson Jones
  7. Geoff Ott

Reserve in no order
Luke Turner
Ben Taylor

I didn't do a Ladies Team as i don't know them well enough to split two teams...

I can give you a horse in the 5th at Flemington for you to spend your $50 on.... ;)

Mine would be..... in no particular order


Reserves Jimmy and Tony

2nd team

Reserves Ben and Tyson
In no Particular order

Team 1
Stephen Hunt
Brian Pilkington
Brendan Meads
George Frilingos
Morty Douglas
Robbie Buckley
Gary Bailey

Team 2
Hamilton, Tony
Christopher Carney
Jim Murray
John Dunn
Angelo Nucifora
Geoff Ott
Ben Taylor
'selected' being the operative word here I'm going to go with


and Qualischefski and Bottomley 'selected' coz i feel like it!!!

but following the rules i'll go


2nd team
cant be assed.......
I'm a little concerned about George and his fragile hamstring. You really want bowlers that can guts it out the whole day. I guess it's up to the manager and coach to manage him througfh the tourney, so I'd still have to put him in though.


Steve again
Me again

Oh, and Morty to get the lattes.
I'm through now.

But seriously...
Any of the teams mentioned will have a seriously good show of winning this, and it really does look like the gamble that TBAQ took in combining the rolloffs is going to pay off big time. Whatever happens, the selectors have some very difficult decisions to make over the next day.
My QLD Team

Steve Hunt (Captain)
George Frilingos (Captain's adviser)
Angelo Nucifora (Adviser to the Adviser)
Robbie Buckley (Adviser to the adviser of the adviser)
Brendan Meads (has always got something to say)
Jim Murray (adviser to all if you can understand)
Brian Pilkington (and if all else fails ask Pilko)

My Second string, second rate, second best QLD Team ;)

Morty ( captain )
Tony Hamilton
Christopher Carney
John Dunn
Gary Bailey
Daniel Mifsud
Tyson Jones
I pick the same as Pilko as this was my team prior to any of the rolloffs occuring.

However that said, if the pattern is the same for Rachuig as the rolloffs then 7 Stephen Hunts will do nicely.

My Queensland Team would be;

George Frilingos
Gary Bailey
Morty Douglass (c)
Steve Hunt
Brian Pilkington
Rob Buckley
Angelo Nucifora

My Invitational Team would be;

Geoff Ott (c)
Chris Carney
Jim Murray
Brendan Meads
Tyson Jones
John Dunn
Tony Hamilton

I'm feeling brave so I'll have a crack at the girls as well;


Kate Wilton (c)
Brenda Carr
Kerri Bailey
Larissa Nastasi
Alicia Saville
Tracey Crisp
Leesa Bartlem


Maddy Hill (c)
Leanne Nastasi
Rebecca Buchanan
Kirtsy Buckley
Hayley Donnelly
Suz Peacock
Karen Gill

***Disclaimer - I voted for Pauline Hanson, so what do I know!!! :D:D:D


just for fun I'll have a crack

Team 1


Team 2

Jim Murray
I have two questions…

1. Who were the selectors and will they that published when the official teams are announced…

2. In the criteria on the day did they say you only had to make the top 10…When selecting from the 20 did past Rachuig performances and experience come into account…Or things like Association teams All Star Teams…Tournament experience and results…
History has shown us that the QLD selectors have often chosen some dark horses, some have paid off, most though have crashed and burned. One thing is for sure as with every selection process there will be shocked and unhappy people tomorrow.

Can't wait to see the list :new_shocked:
from the entry form:

Team Selection criteria:

o Bowlers to submit a resume of last 12 months experience
OR best last three performances (if a recent 12 month report not
possible). Include event name, date, placing, pinfall, number of games
and average.

o Latest TBA ranking position for 2008 if registered.

o Performance in the 20 game Rachuig roll off will be recorded for
selectors as follows:
 Overall average & pinfall
 Consistent performance
 Strike count
 Minimum open frames

o Commitment to training dates as advised by coaches.

Who is responsible for selection

The 4 Coaches appointed to the teams will make up the selection committee
with the State Coaching Director. Where there are no Coaches to fill these
places the State Coaching Director will appoint other qualified Coaches to act
as selectors. The respective Managers of each team may be involved in the
selection process without a vote and will be bound by confidentiality and
process as are the Coaches.

Who to contact about issues concerning the roll off

Bowlers who are not selected for the first 14 places Mens team or first 14
places Ladies team or who are selected in an order that does not meet their
aspirations may wish to request feedback from selectors. Please email to the
State Coaching Director Gail Torrens at Selectors will
answer all communications.


The 6 reserves for the Ladies and Men’s teams will be asked to attend training
as arranged by the Team Coach. Training output will seed the reserves into
position to be accepted by the Invitational team should reserves be called for
in the State Team or Invitational Team.
We can only hope that the last part of the process for this year does not let all the other great work fall apart.
This is the first chance we have had in a very long time to have the best eligible bowlers in the one side.
I guess tomorrow all will be revealed!
Thanks for that Broni…

Does that mean that there was more emphasis on the 20 games they rolled…
Strikes, Spares and closed frames etc in the 20 Games…
OK..I give it a shot
Team #1

Morty (capt)

Team #2
Jim (capt)

I am stabbing in the dark here cause I only know a few of the Nth Qld Guys.
I'm not sure about that Buckley fellow in the rachuig team. Nevermind that he's averaging about 210 in rachuig.....his opposition always seems to average more. Must have a target on his back.

Either way the selectors go (unless they have a major brain malfunction).....its going to be one hell of a team!
HI All,

I am not going to speculate on the teams but I do hope that previous experience in a Rachuig/Teams format, exposure to a variety of lane conditions and surfaces and the ability of a player to integrate with their fellow bowlers is just as important in the selection process as the roll off. I can appreciate that it is a chance for the selectors to see who we are and how we roll :D:D but in my opinion all criteria should be given equal weighting in the final selection.

In the end, after the teams are announced, there will always be some that are happy, surprised, upset etc. It is always the case in selection processes that you won't be able to please everybody. However, for us to move forward next year and make the process even better for future teams I personally feel that everyone will need to be open minded, players and selectors alike, and for the process to be somewhat transparent so everyone involved can see how decisions were reached. For some people it will provide reassurance, others perhaps motivation and a clear direction on what they need to do for next time. Certainly some just won't accept it. But that is the decision that each person needs to make. I guess the thing to remember is that with any new process there are faults and problems but unless we work at getting it better we won't be able to move forward.

I don't usually post on here but I believe this selection process is the way to move forward and give Queensland the strongest possible chance to bring the trophies home. We have plenty of talented bowlers throughout Queensland - lets just make sure they all make the same team!


Kate :)
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