G’Day All,
I have another ten minutes free to ask a question. I promise, never to ask where whatever a brand went again. That last thread got off track and a little nasty in the back ground. So I move onto another question, well more than likely three questions as I am looking at buy yet another ball.
1: Ball weights.
How heavy do most use, 13lb 14lb 15lb. I notice that the old 16lb balls are a thing of the past?
Since starting bowling again I have been throwing a 14lb ball. I made that decision as I have a rotator cuff injury that I have been working on and feel that I could move up to a 15lb ball. My accuracy is getting better, I am now throwing six or seven consistent shots per game. I make it a habit that if by the sixth frame the shot has been off I spend the next few frames looking for a better shot. I don’t have the time to practice so sometimes league becomes the practice game.
2: Ball Preference.
I am a complete nut for only liking the same brand in my bag. I bought a Columbia when I started back six months ago, now have three of them. I broke ranks with a Track spare ball. That made it four balls in six months.
Do most stay with the one brand or are they happy to mix it up?
3: Other brands.
If you where looking at a different brand, and did not want to be like everyone else. Example Storm, Columbia, Hammer and the like. What would you buy? Would you be tempted to another second tier brand?
Motiv, Seismic, Lane Master etc?
Thanks for reading?
I have another ten minutes free to ask a question. I promise, never to ask where whatever a brand went again. That last thread got off track and a little nasty in the back ground. So I move onto another question, well more than likely three questions as I am looking at buy yet another ball.
1: Ball weights.
How heavy do most use, 13lb 14lb 15lb. I notice that the old 16lb balls are a thing of the past?
Since starting bowling again I have been throwing a 14lb ball. I made that decision as I have a rotator cuff injury that I have been working on and feel that I could move up to a 15lb ball. My accuracy is getting better, I am now throwing six or seven consistent shots per game. I make it a habit that if by the sixth frame the shot has been off I spend the next few frames looking for a better shot. I don’t have the time to practice so sometimes league becomes the practice game.
2: Ball Preference.
I am a complete nut for only liking the same brand in my bag. I bought a Columbia when I started back six months ago, now have three of them. I broke ranks with a Track spare ball. That made it four balls in six months.
Do most stay with the one brand or are they happy to mix it up?
3: Other brands.
If you where looking at a different brand, and did not want to be like everyone else. Example Storm, Columbia, Hammer and the like. What would you buy? Would you be tempted to another second tier brand?
Motiv, Seismic, Lane Master etc?
Thanks for reading?