Leggi_23 The reason why the scores are updated slowly as Ian Nicholl's who updates the scores had to wait for them vial email to post as he is currently at Geelong for the Australian Junior Nationals
Chris i try to keep up with the scores from most tournaments around oz especially when Scotts involved its what we like to do,,,, follow our sport .The small problem here is i can get scores from NZ as they are bowled but not from K/park now you and i know in this day it wouldn't be to hard to have some one with the right computer with a modem to post scores after each hour or so ,i know Brett and staff do a great job if not the best job, but weeeee don't think it's that hard for TBA or AMF to designate some one else .I also know that this is not important to a lot of people but to some it is
Junior nationals are important Ian does a great job too.... but really would it be that hard, this is not a new issue
todays scores have been posted by Raph on 2011 vic150 & australian thread (nationally ranked tournaments)

So what, as stated by others, there are other people that can do this. If there is 2 events at the same time...... make sure there are two people able to do this job. I am sure that there is more than one person at the TBA that can handle data entry of scores to upload onto the web.
One last parting shot, from the time AO &vic 150 were advertised on this site there were approx 10,000 hits including over 1,400 looking just at the scores so maybe it is a little more significant then some think to try to be up to date with the scores, once again thank you so much to Sue much appreciated
I hear some complaining about the speed of updates for the AO. I am of the belief Ian Nicholls is a volunteer and does a great job. I find our NATIONAL junior competition rather important. Do we have any other volunteers out there to go to these events and post the scores. If so contact TBA and offer your services. AMF also have a website, I did not see any results there either.
Well said Rod,

Having just been at the Junior Nationals, I know for a fact that the tournament team put in 12 hours plus a day for two weeks. Never heard a complaint from them and they were always willing to talk.

I am sure that they would love to have more help but it doesn't seem to come their way.

Also, at least two of them team head stright off for the Arafura games for another fortnight away.
As stated before i think Ian and the team do a great job, i also have been to several nationals junior and adult as you ,.. and i know you can't be in two places at once.I also believe it's not that hard as we found out on Sunday..... scores up every half hour on this site not TBA . So it can be done and believe me there are people who can fill in the spaces
thanks again great help
If I'm not mistaken, Ian receives at the very least.. expenses, including transportation and accommodation. I know in the past that he used to ask for a set dollar amount as well. But that bmay have changed. At any rate, he DOES NOT do the scoring for nothing.
OMG, how dare they get the expenses back. Lets look at it. If we took 3 staff members from TBA (Bris) to Geelong to run the Junior Nats. 14 Days comp plus 1 day each side for travel. 16 Days at $150 per day each. Accommodation $100 per night and meal allowance $70 per day. Travel costs of $300 return each and a hire car to share at $1000. Total cost of $17260 at very conservative prices. Yes if they are employees working away from there normal place of work they are entitled to this stuff. Now how do we cover these costs, slug our juniors more and lose them from the sport altogether. Lets value our volunteers and not expect them to do it at their own cost.
OMG, how dare they get the expenses back. Lets look at it. If we took 3 staff members from TBA (Bris) to Geelong to run the Junior Nats. 14 Days comp plus 1 day each side for travel. 16 Days at $150 per day each. Accommodation $100 per night and meal allowance $70 per day. Travel costs of $300 return each and a hire car to share at $1000. Total cost of $17260 at very conservative prices. Yes if they are employees working away from there normal place of work they are entitled to this stuff. Now how do we cover these costs, slug our juniors more and lose them from the sport altogether. Lets value our volunteers and not expect them to do it at their own cost.

Damn right there Rodney!!!
If I'm not mistaken, Ian receives at the very least.. expenses, including transportation and accommodation. I know in the past that he used to ask for a set dollar amount as well. But that bmay have changed. At any rate, he DOES NOT do the scoring for nothing.

Thanks for clearing that up for us Wayne
Having said that I am not sure what your point is in making those comments
Do you feel everyone should do everything for nothing

I am sure many people do a lot for free, I know I do but I do it becuase
I want to and can afford to do so, Presently that is....
If I'm not mistaken, Ian receives at the very least.. expenses, including transportation and accommodation. I know in the past that he used to ask for a set dollar amount as well. But that bmay have changed. At any rate, he DOES NOT do the scoring for nothing.

I dont know you from a bar of soap, but do you know how much of a whinger that post makes you sound.

No wonder this sport is busted when people go on like that.

What does it matter what he gets. For the record i dont know him either.
I was just clearing up the misconception that he was doing the scores as a volunteer, as posted earlier in this thread..
There is nothing malicious in what I posted.
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