Just curious to get everyones opinion on an International Event to be held in Australia
What would it take?
Big Prize money - as in AU$30,000.00min 1St Place down to say AU$1000.00 for 30th (Total prize pool AU$75k-$100)
With bigger prizes entry fee would have to be incresed so what would you be willing to pay out
If the first cut was to say 36 and 36th place was AU$700 would $400 be too high, and if not would we get the entries. Would AU$700.00 be attractive enough to lure the International Bowler to our shores
PERFECT GAME award - something substantial here could be the ticket and not such big place monies. Was only last year saw an event in Malaysia (i think) that saw bowlers going from all over Europe and Asia just for the 300award and not so the prize money
What about multiple qualifying attempts, similar to most events held in say Asia East & West.
Perhaps a pay as you go type event, which would be minimal amounts but enough to cover most of the lineage in the next stage. Or do you consider once you have made the initial cut you shouldnt have to pay anymore
I know it was tried many moons ago, but it has been awhile and curious to hear everyones thoughts on the concept.
Obviously connecting it with the Asian circuit or likewise would be the go so atheletes could plan it on their schedule. This can only help people forget the number 1 reason of not coming here being the travel cost - So lets get an airline on board
eg Bowl in Singapore say, then pop down to Aust, then back up to Malaysia then over to wherever
We have been a force in bowling as a Nation for some time now, we have 3 very successful young ladies on the Professional Circuit. World Cup winners, International Title Holders, FIQ Medalists, Commonwealth Games medalists.
So why can we not host a truly INTERNATIONAL EVENT?
And whats it going to take to get one up and running?
What would it take?
Big Prize money - as in AU$30,000.00min 1St Place down to say AU$1000.00 for 30th (Total prize pool AU$75k-$100)
With bigger prizes entry fee would have to be incresed so what would you be willing to pay out
If the first cut was to say 36 and 36th place was AU$700 would $400 be too high, and if not would we get the entries. Would AU$700.00 be attractive enough to lure the International Bowler to our shores
PERFECT GAME award - something substantial here could be the ticket and not such big place monies. Was only last year saw an event in Malaysia (i think) that saw bowlers going from all over Europe and Asia just for the 300award and not so the prize money
What about multiple qualifying attempts, similar to most events held in say Asia East & West.
Perhaps a pay as you go type event, which would be minimal amounts but enough to cover most of the lineage in the next stage. Or do you consider once you have made the initial cut you shouldnt have to pay anymore
I know it was tried many moons ago, but it has been awhile and curious to hear everyones thoughts on the concept.
Obviously connecting it with the Asian circuit or likewise would be the go so atheletes could plan it on their schedule. This can only help people forget the number 1 reason of not coming here being the travel cost - So lets get an airline on board
eg Bowl in Singapore say, then pop down to Aust, then back up to Malaysia then over to wherever
We have been a force in bowling as a Nation for some time now, we have 3 very successful young ladies on the Professional Circuit. World Cup winners, International Title Holders, FIQ Medalists, Commonwealth Games medalists.
So why can we not host a truly INTERNATIONAL EVENT?
And whats it going to take to get one up and running?