Hi All,
Well I have decided that it is time to start using this site to keep those that access "Total Bowling" totally infomed on a regular basis. Firstly, my thanks to the NSW ATBSO Committee for their work in holding Seniors' Week 2005. A great effort by all with only a few minor hiccups. Also thanks must go to Peter Coburn for his help and support of the 2005 event. Peter has certainly been of great help with the ATBSO National web-site and thus helps keep the information flowing. Thanks again Peter.
Congratulations must also go to Jenny Palmer WA on our first ATBSO 300 game. (Not sure who was happier, Jenny or Richie
) and also to Paul Terry WA on a great 299 game, maybe next year Paul. I would also like to Congratulate the Victorian Men's and Women's Team. Another great first place and it was great competing against them.
Next the Restricted Challenge, first year at three days and what an exiting time was had by all. Contatulations must go to NSW on their Combined win.
Then the Masters, what a great Tournament (Long but great
) to the Scratch Champions Jeannette Baker (Vic) and Chris Benson (Vic) and in the Restricted Event Jeff Kemp (NSW) and Amber Hansen (Q'ld) my hearty congratulations to you all.
Finally to all the competitors and especially the spectators, both thesed groups went together to make a great Seniors' Week. Thanks one and all.
Next year is Hobart and our preparations are well on the way. The Itinerary will be posted within a month and most bookings are already made. All I can hope is that we get the largest contingent ever to our small State. I can assure that fun will be had by all and the Tasmanian Committee have already started working on this.
Well I have decided that it is time to start using this site to keep those that access "Total Bowling" totally infomed on a regular basis. Firstly, my thanks to the NSW ATBSO Committee for their work in holding Seniors' Week 2005. A great effort by all with only a few minor hiccups. Also thanks must go to Peter Coburn for his help and support of the 2005 event. Peter has certainly been of great help with the ATBSO National web-site and thus helps keep the information flowing. Thanks again Peter.
Congratulations must also go to Jenny Palmer WA on our first ATBSO 300 game. (Not sure who was happier, Jenny or Richie
Next the Restricted Challenge, first year at three days and what an exiting time was had by all. Contatulations must go to NSW on their Combined win.
Then the Masters, what a great Tournament (Long but great
Finally to all the competitors and especially the spectators, both thesed groups went together to make a great Seniors' Week. Thanks one and all.
Next year is Hobart and our preparations are well on the way. The Itinerary will be posted within a month and most bookings are already made. All I can hope is that we get the largest contingent ever to our small State. I can assure that fun will be had by all and the Tasmanian Committee have already started working on this.