Association Team makes big changes.


Just a Bowler
With all the issues that have come from this years Challange, one team has decided to bite the bullet and drop its entire team for a more suitable line-up to combat the "REAL" conditions that may occur.

Congratulation to the following members:

1. Totalbowling Members ( can decide who should be in the team and who shouldn't)
2. Lane Draw Co-ordinator ( because we all need our beauty sleep, some more than others)
3. Robbie Waterhouse "Bookie" ( Don't want anyone get over or under priced odds do we?)
4. Price Negotiator ( got to make sure we are getting value for money, don't we now? )
5. A Born Whinger ( Every team needs one so you can have excuses on performance)
6. An English Teacher ( To correct all our spelling mistakes ;) )

And last but not the least at Number 7 is a " KEGEL "

Manager: Rules & Regulations Handbook

Let's hope they can " Bowl " as well as they could be unbeatable.
Oh well I've had my fun. To Everyone travelling to Bundy whether it be competitors or spectators, have a safe trip up or down(Rocky) and hope you have a fantastic time.

From your friendly neighbourhood,

Funny funny stuff!!!

Good luck to everyone bowling this weekend in Bundy!! Bowl well and have a great time. I'll be watching the scores on TotalBowling.
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