ANZAC DAY Skins Tournament


Anzac Day Skins Friday 25th - North Strathfield AMF

Ok guys come and bowl in the newest centre in sydney.


$100 entry
$100 per skin
10 games
$50 high non winning skin
$50 high average
$100 Pro shop voucher lucky door prize

this is based on 20 bowlers so the more we get the more money will be up for grabs

Please call AMF North Strathfield on 97460700 or please your name here

8:15am Check in
8:30am Bowl
I know I can't make it this year, but I know how succesful it was last year at AMF MacArthur! C'mon guys, give it a go!
Matt Riley
Brendan Duthie
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Tim Mclearn
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Richard Palma
Tamika Spooner

7 more people and this is a goer guys

Its going to be a fun morning, and with the high scores coming out of the centre it will be a lot of fun

The pattern going down will the the house pattern

Matt Riley
Brendan Duthie
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Paul Sutton
Andrew McGill
Tim Mclearn
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Tamika Spooner
6 more people and this is a goer guys
Its going to be a fun morning, and with the high scores coming out of the centre it will be a lot of fun
The pattern going down will the the house pattern
Matt Riley
Brendan Duthie
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Paul Sutton
Andrew McGill
Michael Mclearn
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Tamika Spooner
Greg Williams
Craig Fraser
Phil Sacks
Brian Wilson
Howard Goss

Keep the names coming in this is looking great

should be a fun morning
Matt Riley
Brendan Duthie
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Paul Sutton
Andrew McGill
Michael Mclaren
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Tamika Spooner
Greg Williams
Craig Fraser
Phil Sacks
Brian Wilson
Howard Goss
Ryan Cahill

keep the names cominmg in
will be a fun morning

Also the pattern used will be the house pattern
Matt Riley
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Paul Sutton
Andrew McGill
Michael Mclaren
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Tamika Spooner
Ceto Sandoval
Greg Williams
Craig Fraser
Phil Sacks
Brian Wilson
Howard Goss
Ryan Cahill
Tim Mclearn
Paul Smith
Scott Robertson
Jess McGinty
Justin Kennedy
Jason Quarmby
Rob Alston

thats 27 guys

3 more and its 150 per skin

Come on Cow i know you want too haha

See you guys tomorrow at 8:15 sharp

The bowl will be closed until 11am due to Anzac day so it will only be us in there.
I will leave the doors open until 8:30 thne close them again

Going to be a fun morning
Matt Riley
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Paul Sutton
Andrew McGill
Michael Mclaren
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Tamika Spooner
Ceto Sandoval
Greg Williams
Craig Fraser
Phil Sacks
Brian Wilson
Howard Goss
Ryan Cahill
Tim Mclearn
Paul Smith
Scott Robertson
Jess McGinty
Justin Kennedy
Jason Quarmby
Rob Alston
Kara Trilucio

28 people 2 to go guys

come one ask ur family haha
Ok guys with numbers the way they are this is the adjusted prize fund based on the current 28 bowlers

Each skin will be $100 for 1st and $50 for 2nd

the $100 lucky door prize remains unchanged as does the $50 high non winning skin for the whole day (anyone who does not win either a 1st or 2nd place skin)
Ok guys if we can get 30 bowlers at the end of the day we will have a strike roll off with the winner recieving a Columbia300 High Flush ball

rules are simple - every bowler will throw a shot with a strike keeping you in the game and anything else and ur out - last man standing wins
Matt Riley
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Paul Sutton
Andrew McGill
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Tamika Spooner
Ceto Sandoval
Greg Williams
Craig Fraser
Phil Sacks
Brian Wilson
Howard Goss
Ryan Cahill
Tim Mclearn
Paul Smith
Scott Robertson
Jess McGinty
Justin Kennedy
Jason Quarmby
Rob Alston
Kara Trilucio

27 people to date

3 more
Matt Riley
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Paul Sutton
Andrew McGill
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Tamika Spooner
Ceto Sandoval
Greg Williams
Craig Fraser
Phil Sacks
Brian Wilson
Howard Goss
Ryan Cahill
Michael Mclaren
Paul Smith
Scott Robertson
Jess McGinty
Justin Kennedy
Jason Quarmby
Rob Alston
Kara Trilucio
Matt Riley
Joel Ninyo
Jarrod Lean
Paul Sutton
Andrew McGill
Matt Doobov
Dale Fitzgerald
Peter White
Mark Trilucio
Col Villiers
Tamika Spooner
Ceto Sandoval
Greg Williams
Craig Fraser
Phil Sacks
Brian Wilson
Howard Goss
Ryan Cahill
Michael Mclaren
Paul Smith
Scott Robertson
Jess McGinty
Justin Kennedy
Jason Quarmby
Rob Alston
Kara Trilucio
Lexi Nicoll
Steve Cowland

29 guys 1 to go

See u all tomrrow morning at 8:15
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