Anyone want any bowling stuff from the US


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
This is a one and only offer, I am asking back home if they would like anything from America which you may not be able to obtain back home. I don't want to go in direct competition with pro shops or centres so I will get anything you would like as long as you can't buy it in Australia.

Things like shirts, Gold PBA pins, etc etc. I can not bring it home with me but I will post it at a cheap rate. If you are interested in doing this you can email at and place your order.

I can't promise anything but I'll try my hardest. Regards from the Big V

i'm not after anything, but you should be commended for the generous offer you have put forward, its not everyday that someone avails there services to a market for most is hard to get to.

well done, and i hope the form picks up a little to run you into some cash.


It is very generous of you to put up that offer I agree. Well done. The question I do have is, have you seen those pre-made thumb slugs over there at all. Thumb slugs with oval holes already in them. Can't remember exactly what they are, but if you see one, any chance of bringing home a sample?? Much appreciated.

They do have pre made oval thumb slugs, in most colours and most sizes, do I recommend them? No! My best advice is to go to a ball driller who has access to a mill drill where they can do exact cuts. It also allows the drill to cut your oval at different degree's, like a 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 degree cuts etc etc.

I'm not recommending anyone in particular but Brando's machine is great and he has got everyone of my 10 or so balls drilled there spot on. The choice is yours, I recommend thoough you stay away from the pre moulded stuff.

G in Vegas
Thanks George. As I said it was just what I heard. I will see if our centre has the mill drill. Don't think so but not sure. Thanks.


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