Another 300 for Alan Notman

You have to be kidding lets hope you take it to Mildura well done AL ,good form ......your partner mick
I would like to say a huge congrats to Allan Notman on bowlin another 300 game on the same pair as Luke Burton bowled his.

So congrats mate we know there will be more from u and Luke.

:angel: Flick :angel:
What a Superstar you are Al. :D

Another 300 tonight, that makes it number 4!! And 3 of them in the last 4 months.. Wish I was there tonight to see you bowl another one, but I'm sure there will be plenty more opportunities..

785 Series tonight also, & I know that the 800 isn't too far away. :multi:

I'm so happy & proud of you Al, you deserve all this & so much more.
Love you baby xx

Jenny ;)
Man on Fire!!!!! :eek:nfire:

You are killing it Al baby... congratulations on I'm sure another
wonderful 300 game....It's stuff most of us only can dream about
and hope that we too can get at least one in this lifetime and
here you are racking em up in only a few months well done babe...
there's not much more one can really say other than..


P.S. Must have been that good food on the weekend
fantastic effort, well done on the 300, pitty you cant do it tuesday nights :D
Well Al what can i say last night you made one of my dreams come true by letting me watch you bowl a 300 game, but to be bowling with you as well was just awesome... I am so proud of you... Your a true champion!!! Last night Luke told you that you were next and he would be privilidged to have his name alongside yours not only once but twice, and you made it happen Al... Your a true champion in my eyes...

Love ya Sexy Al (lol) :p

Tam xxx
Wow Noddy you're ripping it up! Congrats on yet another 300 mate. Keep up the good work. Hope you can do it again on Friday :p
From Brendan Crisp
Congrats on that 300 Al, i was lucky enough to be down there to see yours and Luke's. Was aweome to watch

First time on the Forum. Congrats Scooter on your 300 on Monday 20/06/05 in the 3rd game. Brilliant to see you do it again and just after Luke bowled his first in the 1st game

Thanks everyone.

I am really in a bit of a purple patch at the moment.

I hope i can keep it going and go the SWITCH BLADE.

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