AMF Woodville Bowl - what the?

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New Member
AMF Woodville Bowl... Bright and clean, well maintained, usually busy, great front of house staff, good tucker at the canteen, plenty of drinks whether you want a Coke or an Iced Coffee or something stronger, lots of leagues at all times of the day and evening, plenty of support for the juniors... it's all good until you come to the Sunday night Paragon League.

Yes Gary, we've noticed... we've noticed that the canteen and bar stock is run down by the end of the week, that where there used to be serviettes in dispensers throughout the place now we have to ask for them, that tonight the girls' toilets had no paper and the tissue boxes that had been substituted had run out, that by mid evening there were no more serviettes so the canteen staff had to offer kitchen towels. Don't bother to blame the centre staff, this is a micromanagement bean counting exercise, and it's failed.

Please don't take us for granted. Your team at Woodville is doing it 95% right, but the 5% of penny pinching by management is becoming increasingly obvious and annoying! It seems a pity to "spoil the ship for a ha'penth of tar"!

Anyone else like to comment?

Rob Dick
I agree wholeheartedly Rob

It seems a real pity that one of the most enjoyable & well run leagues (great work Ingrid) with the nicest people you could bowl with and against, is being spoilt by the poor planning & lack of consideration for AMF Woodville's bread & butter - the league bowler, you know - the person who turns up every week, pays his/her money which the bowl can budget on & etc.

I am not sure which is the biggest tragedy though, the lack of serviettes, paper towels and toilet tissue - or the lack of Extra Dry in the fridge?;) On that note, drinks must be COLD too, not room temperature as they are when the cafe does have any.

NB> AMF Woodville - please rectify this before it spoils a great league.
I cant speak on behalf of the bowl but i can speak on behalf of someone on the WBA committee..

I very much doubt that Gary would read this site so he probably wont see it, but i want to assure both of you that He would be willing to recify any issues that you have with the bowl...
I have been on the committee for almost a year now, my family has bowled there for many years and i have never seen a centre manager (who didnt know anything about bowling until he started) take so much time and dedication to fixing the problems that the LEAGUE bowlers have with the centre.

As far as looking after the league bowlers... We are trying to do that in the new year, as there is not any weeks of bowling left in this year we can only fix it for next year!!.. i think that you'll find your dollar will go further with more incentives (pretty Fantastic ones too) for the league bowler... You SHOULD have been told this by your league secretaries and Presidents whom were invited to our AGM.. If they dont Show up they cant get the info. Unfortunatly that seems to be the case all too often. Everyone is willing to blame everybody else... but if people came to our AGM or made a complaint to one of our WBA committee members then we would address it and im sure Gary and the Woodville Staff members would be more then happy to meet your needs!! But how will we know if you dont tell us??

Hi Danielle

My first attempted point of contact was the AMF Woodville Bowl website... no email address available. Yes, I could have made a call to the centre today, it's in my mobile phone as I ring there regularly to book lanes, but what would be the point of ringing and talking to Hayden or Isaac or whoever else answers the phone? They're dedicated, supportive, helpful people, but do you really think they're going to tell the boss of my feelings? I've worked for enough employers to know that the messenger usually gets shot, and the last thing I would want to do is get any of the Woodville staff in trouble. They do an outstanding job with the resources available, and my issues are above their level of responsibility.

If the buck doesn't stop with Gary would I perhaps have been better to contact someone at Macquarie Leisure? Somehow I don't trust that an email to would go far to address a problem at the local level, hence my decision to post to the one accessible central point of information sharing available to me... this forum... and it's worked.

Danielle, in your post you say" but if people came to our AGM or made a complaint to one of our WBA committee members then we would address it and im sure Gary and the Woodville Staff members would be more then happy to meet your needs!!". The staff members I spoke to were very aware of my needs and concerns, but they were unable to address the problem because of management decisions on stock levels, and these management decisions rest with Gary.

You also say "But how will we know if you dont tell us??", and therein lies the rub. In posing that question as a member of the WBA committee you accept some level of responsibility if only as an unpaid committee member with no legal or financial responsibility to AMF Woodville Bowl, so my post has had the effect I was hoping for. You've now now been made aware of my concerns and will surely pass them on to Gary.


Thanks for the information.. most of which people are unaware of, but now that your issue has been bought to light, I'm sure something will be done about it. I myself am a big fan of total bowling and getting a point across.. so i think you have done what you needed to, in order to be heard!!

But can i suggest to you that in the future you contact either myself or another committee member and perhaps we can solve your problem swiftly and promptly. Of course you can choose to do what you want but i like to think as myself on the committee to help Woodvilles bowlers in all areas of there bowling experience including toilet paper and napkins!

Hi again

Ingrid's aware of all this... we discussed it last night. In fairness to her, and to a committee member like yourself, what could be done in the short term to rectify the situation? Even if it were raised at the next meeting of the committee would the centre manager care? His job is to minimise costs and maximise profits, unless something happens that brings his management practices into question with those managing his performance. It's the old story about monkeys climbing up a tree... the monkeys above looking down just see a head to kick, those below looking up just see... well you get the idea! ;-)

Thanks for taking the time to be a part of this discussion and undertaking to pass the information on Danielle. It's very much appreciated.


What are you doing posting on here before even contacting the manager yourself?????

What were you too scared to talk to him about it???

If you have a problem at Woodville surely you should contact the people in charge and talk over your concerns and not put it on WWW.

It just seems that people love to come on totalbowling to have a go at people without talking over there grieviances first with those concerned.

Think about it.


Paul K.
Ok enough is enough, I closed one thread with people talking about owners of centres on this forum and I will do it again with this thread.

Please go to the owner and have it out with them, people on this site do not need to read it, you are playing with people lives and there reputations.

If you have a problem with me closing it, please feel free to PM me.
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