Would you buy a AMF Practice Card if they were introduced in all AMF Centres? Practice cards have existed at Strikezone for several years. AMF when they bought Strikezone continued the practice. Last year they were $500. This allowed a bowler to bowl 7 games a day 7 days a week. Recently wrote to AMF for them to continue the precendence and to be seen to be fostering bowling in AUstralia.
Practice cards can only be used when centre not booked out by social bowlers. Practice cards bring in income to AMF. Practice cards allow for the elite bowler to continue to practice and hone their skills. I see the Target market for practice cards as those who compete regularly eg Intercentres, events on Junior/Youth / Adult calendar State and Nationals etc.
Practice cards definitely have a target market as TBA Rankings clearly reflect. I feel practice cards need to be reintroduced by AMF in all centres. It brings in immediate income to AMF for no outlay.
Please email me if you think you would buy a card. We need to do something to stop those elite bowlers being priced out of their chosen sport. I feel its time AMF started to look after their bread and butter customers. Social bowlers wax and wane and only bowl when wet etc.
Practice cards can only be used when centre not booked out by social bowlers. Practice cards bring in income to AMF. Practice cards allow for the elite bowler to continue to practice and hone their skills. I see the Target market for practice cards as those who compete regularly eg Intercentres, events on Junior/Youth / Adult calendar State and Nationals etc.
Practice cards definitely have a target market as TBA Rankings clearly reflect. I feel practice cards need to be reintroduced by AMF in all centres. It brings in immediate income to AMF for no outlay.
Please email me if you think you would buy a card. We need to do something to stop those elite bowlers being priced out of their chosen sport. I feel its time AMF started to look after their bread and butter customers. Social bowlers wax and wane and only bowl when wet etc.