M[E]L[i]s[S]a said:
no one is forcing you to buy food from the cafes whether you're a league bowler or not...isn't the point that you choose to bowl every week, no body forces you to do that either, therefore why should "league bowlers" be considered any different to anyone else.
surely you see the point that to bowl league each and every week is your choice, no body makes you bowl, nobody makes you eat the cafe food and perhaps we should just enjoy bowling for what it is.
that kind of attitude is exactly why bowling has gone nowhere but down the s h i tter in the past 15 years!
remember when your teacher used to say that to you? what did you do? you LEFT!
bloody-oath league bowlers should be treated differently! they should be treated with the kind of respect and grattitude that loyal, returning customers deserve!
they aren't just "walk-in's" - they are something a manager can budget on - garunteed money!
they take time out of their lives to bowl each week, they might take time out of their working schedules, family's, educations, etc etc, to bowl.
why does any respectable big business have a rewards program of some description? because they understand that it's more than THREE times cheaper to keep a customer than it is to attract a new customer!! they'll fight to keep a loyal customer before they'll fight to get a new one.
"nobody forces you to do xxxx"
sure, nobody is forcing me to, but they definitely aren't (or at least dont seem to be) trying to persuade me to keep doing it, or to do it in the first place, are they!?
people joke about having to take out mortgages to pay for petrol. clearly those people haven't been bowling recently!
I took some friends bowling a while back, and we ended up going to the cinemas instead because it was cheaper!
why would anyone pay to eat or drink at a bowling centre when they can go to maccas on the way to the bowl or on the way home, get the same crappy quality food, and pay half the price?