jason_doust said:
Wow... That's one way to make those pesky customers leave and never return... My local house just got new A/c. This week the pedestal fans have been replaced with permanently fixed fans. I'm guessing they took the cheapest quote...
Yes, it was certainly extremely uncomfortable after it went on the blink, even to sit in, it was horrid.
It was good of the centre to provide the fans though, I can remember bowling in the 80's in heat pretty similar, with no fans and doors shut - wasn't good.
We've had a few hot days so far this summer and it hasn't been too bad in the place
First time I've ever stood on the approaches down the fire doors end, and be able to chat to someone sitting in the car outside the door while I was bowling instruct-o-mat :lol:
The sight of bowlers bringing their own pedestal fans in for league was a bit of an eye-opener!
Part of the problem is the old asbestos roof on top of the bowl, most of the old factories and warehouses out that way built in the 30's, 40's, 50's & 60's were pretty much all laden with the stuff, especially the roofing.
If they were to rip out the old aircon and put a new one in, they'd probably have to rip the roof off as well I s'pose, and as you know, being asbestos, people have to be specially qualified to remove and dispose of the stuff, so it'd be a pretty expensive exercise