
Just a question
Having a highest score of only 289 ive never had the pressure of getting down to the last ball for a 300 game.
Just a question to all the guys and gals out there who have achieved the pinicle.What is the pressure like and how do you deal withit.
And for the unfortunates that have rolled 299 does it fell like a failure or a letdown to get so near but yet so far.
Just looking for some advice for the day when i get the oppotunity

Now wheres the door im outta here

I remember the night I bowled my first 300, I had been at the pub all afternoon being shouted free grog by my boss. It was the last night of the season and we were coming 1st by half a point. I was pretty charged but not totally gone.

I bowled 3 pretty average games first up then started the 4th game with the first 9 in a row (all pocket shots). The 10th went slightly high but tripped the four pin. After having shot 10 in a row 3 times in the last month I knew if I could get the 11th I would go all the way.

The 11th was a flush pocket shot that carried beautifully. I remember standing on the approach for the 12th and then my mind went totally blank and I was on auto pilot. I remember letting the ball go and as the ball travelled down the lane all I could hear was the rest of the league yelling and shouting. It went into the pocket and smashed the pins and the whole bowl went off.

I was so nervous though, that as I was walking back I suddenly thought was that 11 or 12 (thankfully it was 12). It was a great day in my life and something I will always cherish as it took me 18 years to achieve.

Keep the faith and I have no doubt you will do it.

I also remember the first time I shot 300. But mine was a bit of relief.
I had the uneviable reputation as a choker, and proven it several times. The first time I had the first 11 was a 5 man league, and I too had the whole bowling alley watching my last shot. The 11th had crossed over, carried and I was happy about that. The 12th I babied into the pocket, with nothing on it, and left a 5 10. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!
After that I became a big power player, hooking most things out of the house. The bowl got a new manager, and I had a practise with him. The lanes were dry, and I just walked up the back, grabbed a conventionally drilled 14lb houseball and started cranking it. First 5, 8, 11, All solid. The 12th I just ripped cause I didn't wanna leave anything stupid. SOLID!! Geez it felt good, but unsanctioned.
It wasn't till June this year I got another chance, and in league. After opening with a solid 277 the first game, I had the first 11 in the second game. 12th shot I was less nervous than before, and drilled it. This was just such a relief cause I finally had a sanctioned 300. Nothing better!
it took me 22 years to bowl mine, and for 22 years i had held it as the best possible thing i could do, even though they seem to have lost respect.

after 2 misses 297 and 298,i was fortunate enough to bowl mine in an adult/junior league with my son.

the first 10 were perfect, the 11th i threw that badly, i didn't see it hit, (brooklyn) ( i was shocked it hit the headpin), suddenly the whole house was behind my pair, i had totally lost my focus due to making such an errand shot and of course the moment.

i turned and looked at my son, who had come up to the ball return, and just thought to myself "be seen to set a good example to the boy" picked up my ball, set on the approach, closed my eyes and took a breathe and then probably got up and made one of the cleanest shots i had ever made the rest is history.

the next time i bowled with my boy on that pair, i started with the first nine, was fully confident getting up, and bang 4-9, then made the next 5, thems the breaks.

lesson learned after 22 years, all you can do in any situation is make the best shot you can, pointless of the stakes on the shot, the first shot should mean as much as the 12th.
Haven't had the ultimate pleasure of chucking a sanctioned perfect - I've had 4 in practice (one which had 10 brooklyns in it)
. I think I throw too fudgy a shot too carry well enough on todays conditions - I love em dry.
Four days ago I went Four-bagger, FLUSH 10-pin (as opposed to a solid or a weak 10-pin) and punched out for 279

Have had a few chances lately to post a 300 but unfortunately solid 10-pins have got in my way - Somebody out there tell me how to carry 10-pins I'd be most grateful
I too would like to know how to carry those ?!x
10 pins. shot 279 tonight, different ball on each lane (stuffed 9th frame
). How do you know if your going to leave the 10 pin when every shot looks the same?
well i have bowled 3 300s but i have also bowled a 299, 2 x 298 and a 297.

I dont think there is away of controlling nerves but my last 298 was only 2 weeks ago in the australian masters final. I had had the front 9 the night before and i wasnt even a bit nervous and of course i rapped a 10 in the 10th for the 500th time but in the 298 i wasnt nervous till the 11th and for the 12th i didnt even think i could let it go and what happned pulled it left and went high 3 - 6 so thats my tale but i hope to get my nereves down to a minium soon

if you smell what the rock is cookin
Me Again....
Nerves are definately a BIG factor in 10pins, or in my case, 7 pins. Not many people will tell you their 12th was the same as the rest, they usually do one of two things. Either get nervous, try to aim it and fudge the ball to to pocket, hence the 10 pins, or put a little extra on it and go high.
On the other point, knowing your gonna leave a corner pin is all about feel. You know if it's flat but flush, or if you caught the ball a little different. You just hope it works anyway.
Well first two games 239 and 248, last game first seven flush - COLD 8-PIN

4-9 split
So I gather Moonah is ditched right up at the moment then. Its a shame these ppl you just mentioned don't perform too well in tourneys!
I have given up on bowling a 300.... Both my father and my brother have bowled a few, but the best i can do is 299.... i honestly can't remember how many 289 & 279's i have bowled in which i have left a solid 9 pin. i reckon i have had atleast 15+.
dont bitch about the conditions at moonah, (even thoe Trent griggs shot 798), you had it easy at Launceston for years, this is the only decent scoring condition we have everhad at Moonah (or since I have been bowling).....
My worst nightmare is to stand up on the last shot, smash the pocket, and leave a cold 8....Scares the crap out of me!!

Hey Gus, Moonah's not bad, still not as good as Launceston, but we got 2 BOARDS area now!!

You guys have that too....the thing is though, both your boards have arrows on them!!
Firstly,I wasn't bitching about the conditions at moonah, I was just making an observation! Secondly, If both our boards have arrows on them WHY is the highest lg ave in the centre a mere 190??????(Which I Hold!) What is Moonahs 215+????? I will be the first to admit that we had it very easy for a lot of years but the times have changed and changed for the better. Shot making and shot repitition is the key. At the recent lonny masters, as both of you will quite well know, 3 ppl over the card. Top 2 shooting 25 - 12 at the breakpoint, and 3rd playing straight up 15!! Doesn't sound like much of an area does it. Or not 10 bds worth anyway as you put. At the moment if you throw it at the gutter you will get that result. A big fat 0. Now getting back to the subject about moonah being good. Good luck to you I say, but when a tourney comes around, we will see who is on the leaderboard. Northerner/North Wester or a Southerner. Any Bets????

Hayden George
Former Asst Mananger
Current Pro Shop Operator(7 yrs experience)
AMF Launceston Lanes

P.s. Just a bit of fun Andrew?? Not having a go at you just thought it would be funny!
Gus, what would Tasmania be like if we didn't have a bit of North/South rivalry!!

Gotta have something to talk about down here!!!!

Nah, I must admit, Moonah is fairly (well, really) easy at the moment, but as we all know, anything good at Moonah, doesn't last!!!!!!!

Just look at me!!
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